How to protect your eyes from the mobile screen

The mobile phone has become a tool that goes beyond what we could imagine a few years ago. Its screen is one of the keys to use, since it is through where we interact and above all, where we see everything we want. As you accumulate hours and hours of use, your view can suffer if you do not have the proper configuration.

Many times we have heard or have read about the risks of looking at the screens for too long, but we do not always know all the tools that technology puts at our fingertips so that our eyes suffer with prolonged use of the mobile. So that you can adapt the smartphone yourself and prevent eye problems, we give you a series of tips with which you will notice a big difference.

protect your eyes from the mobile screen

Take care of the sight

These tips and steps to follow can be carried out on all Android phones and also on iPhone. The two main operating systems, in addition to the customization layers, have been updated on the needs presented by users and allow us to adapt the terminal to what the eyes ask of us.

Font size matters

Although it may seem like a lesser evil, it is perhaps one of the most detected aspects in the protection of our gaze. With a very small size for the characters, our eyes will have to make a great effort, especially when reading texts with a small line spacing. If we do not want to make it suffer, we just have to modify it, taking it to a point that is easy and comfortable to read according to our needs.

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This process can be carried out on Android phones by accessing Settings> Display> Font size. In iOS the process is as follows: Settings> Screen and brightness, to select Text size. We can choose between a minimum size or several options that regularly increase to the giant size. The larger the character, the less text lame on our screen, therefore when reading we will have to slide more through it.

Night light

Another of the extras that come by default in all mobiles is the option to activate that characteristic reddish tone that protects our eyes . Also known as night mode, it is an option that we had to get used to using, especially if we usually use the mobile in low light, before going to sleep or when we wake up. What I try to do is reduce the blue light emitted by the screens and that can be harmful not only for your eyesight in general, but also because some studies show that it can eliminate sleep.

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To use it we just have to lower the quick access bar on Android and tap on the button, although if it does not appear we can always add it manually by editing the panel. Another way to find it is in Settings> Display, from where we can program the night light so that it activates daily at sunset and disappears when the sun rises.

In iOS things did not change too much, it only changed its name to be called Night Shift. We can use it from the control center, or by going into Settings> Screen and brightness> Night Shift, from where we can program it at will.

The necessary shine

As negative it can be exceeding us as falling short with respect to the brightness of the screen. The eyes suffer a lot if you have to make an effort to get to see a semi-off screen, but they will also be exhausted and we will suffer from eyestrain with too bright screens. Automatic brightness is our great ally against this, allowing the light sensor to decide for us at all times.

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We can activate it on Android from the direct access bar itself, right next to the brightness bar or in the settings. The same in iOS within the screen, with the automatic mode and the True Tone option of iOS that also modifies the color of the screen to the circumstances. In this way we only have to worry about seeing and in specific situations where the brightness is not adequate, modify it from the control center or quick bar to our need.

In Android we also have an extra that allows us to continue using the screen even if we want very little light. It was integrated into Android 12 and is called extra dimming. Other smartphones can also adopt it, lowering the brightness beyond what is established by the system to look at the screen when we have very little light around us with the following Android apps.

But you ask, what about iOS? In the case of Apple‘s operating system, there is a trick to lower the white point, which is the standard brightness level. For that we have to enter Settings> Accessibility> Display settings> Reduce white point and we will modify the percentage we want without exceeding ourselves or we will have to change it manually day and night.

Other aspects to consider

Not everything depends on the configuration that we can make of the mobile and more specifically what we see on the screen, because our routines with the mobile are also going to play a drastic point in the gaze. It is important that we try to carry out a series of keys that can make the difference between having healthy or very affected eyesight and we will detail them:

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  • Do not look at the screen for many hours: the time we spend looking at the panel is key to the fatigue you may suffer.
  • Take breaks: if you need to look at the screen, it will be important to take breaks approximately every 20 or 30 minutes to look at a distant point and not keep your eyes fixed.
  • Have good lighting: as much as we try to adapt the screen, we must not ignore the light around us that must be adapted to the nonsense. Having a light source, such as a mobile without light around us, will cause us to have problems.
  • Do not get too close: if we cannot read well, it will be better to change the size or brightness but not reduce the recommended distance to the mobile of at least 20 centimeters.