Why you should not use the NFC to send files with your mobile

Wireless technologies are more than consolidated in our phones, to the point that many mid-range models have various methods of wireless communication, in addition to NFC, such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. It is very useful, but over the years it has become out of date in some cases.

Exchanging files with other mobiles is common, in fact it is something that has always been among the main concerns of manufacturers, who have wanted to simplify this type of exchange as much as possible, and make them very fast. What has led the NFC to become the most recommended option in these cases.

Why you should not use the NFC to send files with your mobile

More and more out of date

This connectivity has enormous potential, which is not yet being exploited as it should, not by manufacturers, but by society, since there are many documents that we could carry digitally on the mobile with this technology, but which will take time to arrive. We all associate this connectivity with contactless payment , and of course it is already one of the best functions that our mobiles can count on. Thanks to it we can pay in thousands of establishments, and with different cards with the same phone. Although it is not always a foolproof method.

Pago con NFC

But if we talk about exchanging files, things change, because the needs of this task are not easy to satisfy for the NFC, at least with the standards that we demand today. And it is that when we say that we should not send files through NFC , it is not that we say it for security reasons or otherwise. But because it is by far the slowest method of sending data. While other wireless connectivities have adapted better to the passage of time, NFC has completely stalled in this regard.

It is very slow

This connectivity is perfect to pay, the safest and most practical, there is no doubt about that, but when it comes to sending files and content, it is undoubtedly a completely expendable technology. And it is that if we compare its data sending speeds with Bluetooth or Wifi, the NFC obtains ridiculous data.

nfc pagar movil tarjeta

And it is that while the speed at which files are sent with NFC is barely 400kb per second , in the case of Wifi, depending on the speed of the home network, and the quality of the Wifi of our phone, it can reach the various hundreds of megabytes per second. Even Bluetooth can multiply the speed of NFC several times.

Hardly anyone uses Android Beam

This technology has been in Google’s operating system for many years, almost a decade, and has been the standard method for sending files wirelessly between two phones. But now with Nearby , Android‘s new file-sending technology, speeds are much faster, precisely because NFC is dispensed with and Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity is used interchangeably, sending files to nearby mobiles at high speed, even if not. there is internet connection.

Nearby Share

These methods coexist with Android Bram based on NFC in our mobiles, the latter being completely out of date today. For that reason you should not use it on your mobile anymore, because it is a method with its own speed standards from a decade ago.