What is a Domain Transfer and How Can We Do it?

A fundamental part of any web page is the domain. Basically it is the name that users put to access from the browser. Along with hosting it is essential for operation. In this article we will explain what transferring a domain consists of and how we can do it. Sometimes it can be interesting to change the provider that manages it.

What is transferring a web domain

We can say that the domain transfer is simply the step of managing from one provider to another. It is an administrative process that we can carry out on any page we have, as long as some requirements are met in certain cases, as we are going to see.

Domain Transfer

Sometimes we may be interested in having the domain managed by another provider. For example, if we want to change the country so that it is in the same country where we have the hosting or even if we want it to be managed by the same provider where we are going to host the content.

It is a common process that a webmaster can perform at a certain time. Keep in mind that this is not a one-page migration. We are not moving the content from one provider to another, but simply the domain.

If we talk about the main causes for transferring a web domain we can name the price, for example. We may find a provider that offers the same or more for a lower cost. We may also be interested in having certain services offered by another registrar, customer service or even the language.

It is a quick and easy process . There are few reasons why we will not be able to transfer it or have difficulties to do so. Of course, some important points must be taken into account, as we are going to see.

Diferencias entre hosting y dominio

Important requirements to transfer a domain

It will depend on the extension we are using. Not all require the same. In our case we are going to focus on generic domains, such as .com, .net or .org. We are going to explain what requirements are necessary for it to work properly.

  • One of the requirements is that the domain is unlocked . In case it is not there we will have to unlock it. This is essential for generic domains like the ones we mentioned above.
  • Another basic point is that the domain must be active at the time of transfer. We can check it before taking this action.
  • We must also have the authorization code , which is also known as AUTH CODE. This is necessary to make the transfer. The normal thing is that in the management panel of the current domain provider it appears. In case we do not see it or it is not available, we can always request it.
  • Regarding the time, there must be at least 60 days since you registered or moved for the last time. If we have already transferred the domain on another occasion less than two months ago, we would have to wait until that time is up.
  • Finally, regarding the data of the owner , there should have been no changes in the last 60 days.

How to transfer a domain

We have seen what it is to transfer a domain and what are the essential requirements that we must take into account. Now we are going to explain what we have to do to be able to transfer it correctly from one provider to another.

The first thing we have to do is request the domain transfer from the provider of our choice. There it will tell us if it is unlocked and in this way whether or not we can transfer it. Later, it will ask us for the authorization code that we must know and place the order, which would be the payment and corresponding registration.

During this process we will have to enter personal data that will correspond to the person who is going to register that domain. Those will be the ones that will remain associated with the web domain once the transfer is carried out. In some domains, as in the case of .es, the name is not changed even if we put it.

How long does it take to transfer a web domain? Again, this will depend on the extension. Some like .es take just 24 hours. Others like .com or .org can last 6-10 days.

In short, a domain transfer is something that many webmasters can carry out at any given time. It is a simple process and does not require a lot of time. We can take this into account if we find a provider that offers improvements.