Trick to Play a YouTube Video Frame by Frame

Over the last few years, the platforms that offer us streaming video content have not stopped spreading throughout the world. Many of these are paid, we refer to proposals for the popularity of Netflix , HBO, Amazon Prime Video , etc. However, at the same time there is a platform that has been with us for many years offering this type of content for free, YouTube.

In fact, we could say that when we talk about YouTube, we are actually referring to the streaming video platform par excellence. It has been several years since this huge website was bought by Google to turn it into the giant it is today. Hence, we have a multitude of ways to access everything that is offered on this web portal. Either from the different official applications, third-party clients, or from the browser, among other ways, we can visit everything that YouTube presents to us.

Trick to Play a YouTube Video Frame by Frame

There are several programs and platforms that we can use to watch YouTube videos. There is no doubt that one of the most important elements here is the player itself and the controls that it presents to us. We are now going to focus on one of the most common operating modes when we talk about YouTube . Specifically, we refer to the moment in which we open and play these videos from our favorite internet browser.

For this we only have to access this link and select the entries that we want to reproduce. In addition to this, we will tell you that we have some simple ways to control playback as such on YouTube.

How to control YouTube playback speed

To begin, we will say that every time you load a new video player platform in the bottom right we find a button shaped sprocket. This gives way to the individual playback settings. Therefore, in the present case we will see an option that says playback speed . As you can imagine, this allows us to watch the video at normal speed, as well as increase or decrease this speed. Everything will depend on the needs of each case or how we want to visualize that specific content.

velocidad youtube

Similarly and manually we have the possibility of, while playing at normal speed, make small jumps of 5 in 5 seconds. This is something we can do both forwards and backwards. To achieve this we only have to click on the right or left arrow so that the glass advances or delays in 5 seconds.

View a YouTube video frame by frame

This type of control in playback is quite widespread among regular users of the platform. But what many may not know is that there is a trick that allows us to both delay and delay this content frame by frame. This is something that can be very useful to us to see a certain video in maximum detail .

Well, for those of you who don’t know, say that this is something that you can achieve in a simple way just by using the comma (,) and period (.) Keys on your keyboard. They are located next to each other and it is not difficult to imagine that the first helps us to go back one frame and the second to go forward.