Third-party Cookies: Why More Browsers Start to Block Them?

Browsers are a fundamental part of our day to day when connecting to the network. There are many types, as we know. Some may even be more focused on security and privacy. In this article we are going to talk about third-party cookies. Many browsers are starting to block them. The last to join the list has been Safari . Now, why do browsers block third-party cookies ? What does it really consist of?

Safari, the last browser to block third-party cookies

third party cookies

It is true that Safari is not the most popular browser on the market, but we can say that it is among the most used. Therefore changes like this that have been incorporated can benefit many users. They have included a new feature and it is the possibility of blocking third-party cookies .

As we know, privacy is one of the most important factors for users. When browsing, there is a lot of information that we can expose. Our data today has great value on the Internet and that causes many marketing companies to find ways to collect it. They can include us in a spam campaign, send targeted advertising or even sell that information to third parties.

Cookies have their positive and negative sides. If we start with the good part we can say that it helps us to facilitate navigation. For example, the browser can remember our user so that he does not always have to put it when he starts a session on a website. You can also retrieve our settings when browsing a platform.

However, within the negative we can mention that it affects our privacy. What third-party cookies ultimately do is collect data from us. They can register the pages we visit, our tastes, etc. This data can be shared with third parties.

Basically we can say that it is the trail we leave when browsing. It is what they can register to learn more about users and, ultimately, affect our privacy. This is what causes many browsers to gradually block third-party cookies. A way to grant more privacy to users.

Our data is of great value online

It should be mentioned that our personal information , our data, can not only be filtered or obtained through third-party cookies. When browsing we can show a lot of information simply by registering on platforms, commenting on forums or using social networks.

The truth is that all this information has great value online . Many companies can use it for profit. They can even be sold by third parties, as demonstrated by popular Internet services.

All this makes users look for ways to improve privacy when browsing. And yes, browsing is an important source through which data can be filtered. It is important that we take this into account and avoid, as far as possible, making mistakes that could harm us.