They Create a Swarm of Military Drones Thanks to an AI

Swarm of Military Drones Thanks to an AI

Since drones were born, they have been used for many tasks, making the work of many people and companies easier. Many of its uses are quite common, although many others are not so common. For example, in the military field it is a place where its application is used a lot, due to its versatility and its usefulness.

Drones are used as a reconnaissance instrument such as surveying the terrain or visualizing possible targets to attack. However, this time Israel has gone one step further and used a swarm of drones to carry out military location, identification and strike work, marking the first time that so many drones have been used to carry out a military strike.

The importance of an AI

This swarm works thanks to an Artificial Intelligence system, since being so many drones they cannot be controlled by so many people. A month ago, this territory used a robot that needed a person to handle it and operate the machine gun that was attached to its structure, but that could make movements autonomously and even self-destruct.


Other countries have used unmanned vehicles to attack their targets in other conflicts, which shows that technology is increasingly being used in warfare.

With this swarm of drones, it is the first time that a military technology related to drones has been made to work completely automatically thanks to Artificial Intelligence.

An optimal performance system

The fact that it works through this system means that although several units are destroyed during combat, the rest can continue with their work. This Artificial Intelligence works thanks to the reception of data sent from Earth orbit by various satellites, other drones, and ground and air vehicles.

This country has been implementing in recent years its military technology Artificial Intelligence structures enhanced by state-of-the-art computers. Thanks to these systems, different tasks can be done much faster, which saves a lot of time and overtakes other countries when it comes to applying these technologies.


There are associations that are totally against automatic weapons, since they consider that they are machines that take lives. Many think that these robots are against the principles of humanity and that they do not comply with the rights. We are in a new era in which the traditional has gradually been put aside to give way to an era in which technology is the protagonist.

Advertising campaigns and demonstrations are being carried out to other countries in order to try to promote this movement and raise awareness in those countries that use this technology for their conflicts.