How to Share Your Alexa Shopping List with Multiple Users

One of the disadvantages that Amazon’s Echo devices have today is that they can only be configured with a single personal account, so the creation of music lists, reminders and shopping lists are only available for one account. of user. However, there is a way to be able to share your shopping list without complications.

Share Your Alexa Shopping List with Multiple Users

How to create a shopping list from Alexa

If this is the first time you’ve heard the topic of shopping lists from Alexa , don’t worry. With Alexa you can create different lists for the assistant to make annotations that you can later review from the official application. With a simple voice command “Alexa, add [item] to [list name]” you will add items to lists that you have saved in your profile.

“Alexa, add chocolate to the shopping list”

By default, Alexa creates an empty shopping list for you so that you can write down things that you will need to buy the next time you go to the supermarket. Just say “Alexa, add coffee to the shopping list”, and Alexa will write it down so you don’t forget to buy it.

How to view your shopping list in Alexa

To see everything you have written down in the shopping list you will only have to ask Alexa with the command “Alexa, what do I have on the shopping list?”. In any case, if your list is endless and you don’t want to end up dizzy with the assistant’s voice, you can always check it from your mobile phone by accessing the Amazon Alexa application.

Compartir listas Alexa

To do this, access the application, click on the “More” section, and then on “Lists and notes”. In this section you will find the shopping list and other annotations that you make with the assistant.

Multiple user accounts on Amazon Echos?

At the moment it is impossible. The moment you first set up an Echo speaker, you will need to sign in with an Amazon account . This makes the device a somewhat personal accessory, so when listening to music, you will have to limit yourself to the music lists of a particular user.

And just the same goes for shopping lists. The voice command “Alexa, add sugar to the shopping list” can be executed by any member of the household, however, all annotations will go to a shopping list that will belong to the person to whom the Echo is registered. This means that this list will only be accessible to those who have access to said Amazon account , so in most cases it will be absolutely personal. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Sharing the shopping list with third-party applications

Although you can always share the content of the shopping list through the Amazon Alexa application, the result is still plain text that is not particularly convenient to manage, and will also force the account owner to send the content from the list every time someone asks for the items that are listed.

To send all the content of the shopping list in text format, you will only have to enter it and click on the share option that you will find in the upper right corner. This option will send everything annotated in text format to whoever you want.

But there is a more practical way to share your shopping list , and that is by using third-party applications. By using an external application, you will be able to offer access permissions to other users (something that cannot be done from the Alexa application itself), so you will no longer be the only person who has access to the list.

To do this, you will have to install one of these three applications:

Any of these three applications is valid for managing the shopping list, although AnyList is probably the most suitable for managing shopping lists, since the other two are more focused on personal organization and task tray. In any case, any of the three works.

If you install AnyList, you will only have to create a new account in the service and complete the registration to start using it. Once the registration is completed and with the application running, you must return to the Alexa application to link both applications.

To do this, go to the More> Settings> Lists section, and click on the application that you have previously decided to install, in this case, AnyList.

Compartir listas Alexa

The application will show you the Skill settings corresponding to the selected application, and all you have to do is log in with the account you previously registered for in the new downloaded application.

Once the process is completed, the lists application will be linked to Alexa, so when modifying the shopping list when adding or removing products, you will be able to see the changes immediately applied in the AnyList application or any of the others. two that you have installed.

Compartir listas Alexa

Now you only have to offer access to other people so that they can view or edit the shopping list from their phone. To do this, enter AnyLis, select the shopping list imported from Amazon (usually called “Amazon Shopping List”) and click on the gear icon to access the list’s settings. There you will see the “Sharing” section, and by clicking on it, you will be able to add all those people you want to give access to the shopping list. Add the email of the person you want to invite (you must install the application and register) and you can now have access to the shopping list.