How to Reduce Data Consumption on Samsung Mobiles with One UI

Running out of mobile data is always something that worries us. No matter how many gigabytes we count, if we are traveling or are away from home for a long time, it is practically impossible not to be consuming them continuously. For this reason, we must know how to avoid spending them completely before they are renewed. Fortunately, there are different ways to reduce data consumption on a Samsung mobile .

Best of all, although each layer of customizations has its own features, One UI has great ways to make it even more feasible. And we will not only enter the classic saving mode that is present in all Android mobile devices. If not, we will talk about other methods of our own that will come in handy at any time when we want a lower cost. In addition, that we can control the use we make in a really simple way.

Reduce Data Consumption on Samsung Mobiles with One UI

Control the cost of your mobile apps

Before taking action, it will be necessary to know which apps are the ones that consume the most in our day to day life, and it is the culprit that we run out of them before they are automatically renewed as every month. Luckily, within one of the sections of the settings of every mobile device of the South Korean brand, we will have a section in which we can both see and control the spending we make at all times.

In this way, we will get to know which are the ones that spend the most. So that later, we can take the necessary measures that we will explain later. But, for this, we will have to follow the following steps:

  • Open your terminal settings.
  • Click on the Connections section.
  • Access Data usage.
  • Check the consumption statistics that have been made on a mobile device.

Control de datos móviles Samsung

As a result of this, one of the first measures that we can take is to use one of those One UI functionalities that are designed so that the different apps of our mobile use or not always the mobile network. Even when we are connected to a Wi-Fi network. And it is that, it may have been the case that you have activated this option without realizing it, so, no matter how much you are connected to your home router, you will continue to consume from the mobile network. The steps so that you can check if you have any app enabled with this function are the following:

  • Access your Samsung settings.
  • Open the Connections section.
  • Go to Data usage> Apps with mobile data only and check if it is activated or not. If so, make sure you don’t have any apps selected to use the mobile phone network when you’re connected to a Wi-Fi connection.

Samsung’s classic data saver

There is no doubt that we are facing the function most used by Android users and, consequently, those people who have a Samsung mobile in their hands. That’s right, we are talking about the classic saving mode that will help us reduce its consumption each time we are using them. As we said, it is one of those tools that is present in all layers of customization.

And how could it be otherwise, Samsung has its own function . Basically, it is a tool that will allow us every time we want to reduce spending, although this will lead to a problem for many, and that is that the connection will be slower than before. Even so, if you want to activate it because you are one of those who found this type of connection, these are the steps you will need to follow:

Ahorro de datos móviles Samsung

  • Access the settings of your mobile device.
  • Enter the Connections section.
  • Then, click on the Data Usage option.
  • And then, click on Savings again to enable it on your smartphone.

And although, luckily, One UI includes this feature among its options. There is also another alternative that you will appreciate. And it is that, within some of the apps that you use the most, you can find this same saving mode. That is, we can decide ourselves which applications can consume more or less so that their speed is not reduced at any time. As long as this same setting is among your settings.

This alternative will be of great help, specifically, so that the apps that we use the most do not consume excessively and thus not spend them all. Like, for example, when viewing a video on YouTube or listening to songs in the different apps that exist such as Spotify.

Of course, the Samsung software layer has another function that will allow us to establish which apps will be the lucky ones to get rid of this mode when we have it activated. Once inside the menu itself in this way, we will have an option called Allow with Savings activated . By clicking on it, a list of apps will appear from which we can choose which ones will have permission to use them without any type of restrictions.

That they do not consume in the background

Another of the main reasons why you have not found out why you run out of them so quickly is, basically, because you have not realized this factor. And, as much as many apps that we have installed on our mobile device continue to consume the mobile phone network, even if we are not using it. This means that, if said application is in the background , it could perfectly continue using them without us noticing.

Uso de datos móviles en segundo plano Samsung

So once bought which are those that consume the most, and we do not understand why this situation has occurred. It will be time to limit its operation in the background by activating this option. To do this, we will have to perform the following steps on our Samsung: open Settings> Connections> Data usage . Once inside, click on the app whose consumption is too high and deactivate the option Allow background data use.

Finally, we can also limit the GB consumption that we do. For this, we must enter the previous section of use again and this time click on the Billing Cycle . Inside we can set what day they are renewed and define the limit we want. In this way, we can establish another number to know when we have reached that figure and do better management before consuming all of them. As well as the fact of activating the function of Set data notice and the number of GB that we want.