If WiFi doesn't work for you on Windows, you need this program

What would we be without WiFi at home or in the office? Nowadays, having a computer without being connected to the Internet means that we lose many options when it comes to using it, and since we cannot always have our equipment near the router, WiFi becomes vital. Unfortunately, it is more common than it should be to have problems with these types of connections. If you have problems with your computer’s WiFi, and you don’t know what it is due to, don’t think twice and use this program that we bring you today.

A problem with the WiFi of our Windows computer can be due to a fairly long list of reasons. If the solutions of the operating system have not helped you and you have even tried to delete the saved WiFi and the problem has not been solved, try WifiDiagnosticView.

If WiFi doesn't work for you on Windows, you need this program

A simple but very useful software

WifiDiagnosticView is one of those programs that may seem very simple at first glance, but is actually tremendously useful. The program has been developed by Nirsoft, which also has other very interesting programs to its credit, such as ManageWirelessNetworks or WifiHistoryView. All three have a series of characteristics in common that is the hallmark of Nirsoft: they are portable programs (they do not require installation), light and very easy to use .

Continuing with the virtues of this software, we must bear in mind that it is compatible with absolutely all versions of Windows, starting with Windows Vista and ending with the latest version available to date, Windows 11. Its function is very specific: It will show us a record of wireless connectivity events of our equipment , including connections, disconnections, changes in signal quality, and much more.

Every time the software detects an error, it will immediately show it on the screen with an error code and a fairly complete description . Each event will have a date and time associated with it, as well as the name of the profile, the SSID, the connection method and more data that can help us to find the best solution for our problem.

WifiDiagnosticView interface (Nirsoft)

As we have said above, the program’s interface is really simple. By default, WifiDiagnosticView will show us the recorded events in chronological order , but we can click with the mouse to order the events so that the errors appear first, for example. We also have the option of searching for something specific ourselves, and for this we only have to go to Edit and Search, or simply by pressing the keyboard shortcut Control + F. To finish, this program also allows us to save all the data recorded in a session and export them in various formats like txt, xml or html.

With the error code it is much easier

This program is one of the best solutions that we can find on the entire Internet to find out where the error that affects the connectivity of our equipment is. The only “but” that we can put to this application is that it will not solve the problem by itself, but it will be up to us to do it . However, having the error code of the problem will make it much easier for us to go to the Internet with it to find the solution quickly.

Both WifiDiagnosticView and the rest of Nirsoft’s programs and utilities are freeware , so we can enjoy them totally free. To download them to your computer, all you have to do is go to their website and search for the one that interests you the most. The page is very simple, but if you can’t find the software you are looking for, you can use the search bar in the center of the page.