How to Download the Mobile Instruction Manual

Although we do not usually need the instruction manual for mobile phones , on some occasions we can run into that need; Either to remove the SIM tray, find out if it has any specific instructions or simply to find the solution to a problem that has arisen, although this can be complicated if we are not able to locate the instructions.

We can think that it is as simple as looking for the mobile phone case and looking inside to find the manual, although this is not always the case for several reasons. In the first place, we can find that some smartphones no longer come with instructions or we are simply not able to locate the box after spending a long time.

Why are there no longer manuals in the boxes of the mobiles?

The first question we ask ourselves is the reason that has led manufacturers to gradually withdraw the instructions and on other occasions to reduce them to a minimum. As a key point we find the great expansion of mobile phones, allowing practically all users today to know how to turn on and operate, the basic options that are printed in the classic instructions.

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But this is not everything, because you also have to take into account the care of the environment. Printing instructions for mobile phones is a significant waste of paper that is often not even consulted once and taking into account the importance that some areas are giving to the planet, it is a measure taken accordingly. Currently there are digital tools that allow you to enjoy the instructions in the same way or in an even more comfortable and simple way.

Where to download the instruction manual for each brand

Whether we do not find the physical instruction manual or if it does not come inside the mobile phone box, we will be able to rely on the new options that manufacturers offer us. The possibilities are mainly the following two, having to check for ourselves which of them we can use.

A QR Code helps us download it directly

The option that many manufacturers are opting for is to include a QR code that will allow the user to download the instruction guide in a matter of seconds. The great expansion that these codes have had allows us to take advantage of them with the smartphone that we are in hand and thus save paper.

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To do this we only have to locate the box and look at the papers inside. What if it keeps coming is the warranty card and / or a small presentation paper in which we can see the aforementioned QR code. Just by opening the Google assistant or the mobile QR code reader we will be able to let ourselves be taken to the link that we share and this will download a file with the instructions to our mobile or otherwise it will take us to the web where to find it.

Download the instruction manual of the mobile without the box

In case we do not have the box at hand to access the instructions and we cannot find the aforementioned QR code, we are left with the option of the manufacturer’s website. In some cases, some brands have chosen to design a standard instruction manual for all models and in other cases we continue to find an instruction manual for each specific mobile. Whatever our case, we will be able to download it and consult it from the following links:

Other manufacturers have opted for different methods to offer the mobile’s instruction manual , such as the Samsung instructions or the Motorola help guide , where we will have to access their corresponding websites and locate our smartphone in order to find the manual for instructions and all the relevant information about the help on our smartphone.

What does it say in the instruction manuals?

Both the instructions that are included in the boxes, as well as those that we will be able to download from the QR code or the manufacturer’s websites, we find the same indications. In general, the first thing we see is the method to follow to extract the SIM tray and place our card, then the process to turn on the mobile and also to charge it, which are basic steps and that is why in some terminals they are being eliminated from the little instructions added to the box.

But in addition to all those main steps, other manufacturers also add options of the personalization layer, which shows us through images, diagrams and explanations what we must do to, for example, modify the wallpaper, change the position of the icons and even how to use some system apps. This last point is one of the most required or part of the users and it is not always included, remaining to optimize the memory, the battery or other devices.

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No less important is the explanation to update the mobile, since each terminal adds its options in a different section. Finally, we also come across frequent solutions to problems, which allows us to see as users what to do if the screen does not respond, if the mobile does not turn on, we have coverage problems or any other error. In any case, if we have problems that do not appear in the instructions, we can always count on the technical service of each brand and they, after giving us the same solution that we can read in the instructions, will try to refer them to a nearby technical service to try to finish with the problem.