Reasons and Cases Where to Use a VPN from Your Mobile

In recent times, the relevance of VPNs has been increasing, being an essential technology for many users. Its benefits and benefits are considered a great option in many cases, which we are going to let you know through the moments and reasons that make us use a VPN on our mobile , something that we might not have considered before.

For those who have not yet had the opportunity or have not dared to try a VPN, they will be able to see step by step how easy it is to use it on their mobile, where without any complications you will be able to put it into operation. It is just as simple and useful to use a VPN for Android as it is in the case of having an iPhone, since there is no difference between the two systems.

Why use a VPN on mobile

The advantages that VPNs offer us are unlimited, although the most important are summarized in the following sections that we introduce you to. According to your usual uses with the smartphone, you will be able to take advantage of it at one time or another, adapting it to your navigation so as not to take risks.

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Protect our data when browsing

One of the main uses in which VPNs are often resorted to is in the search for the desired privacy. Smartphones collect too much data during the time we use them and the best way to be safe on the internet is through a VPN that camouflages our connection so that no app or service can track us.


Some providers also access our browsing information to better understand our uses and that causes certain data to end up where we do not want it. With the help of the VPN we will be getting rid of these inconveniences, preventing anyone from knowing what we do or stop doing with the mobile.

Avoid attacks on public networks

One of the moments in which we must be most careful with our smartphone is when using an open WiFi network, since many cyber attacks occur daily through them. If we want to use the WiFi network, it will be very important that we start the VPN, which will allow us not to take risks with an encryption of the connection that prevents our tracking.

How to set up VPN step by step

Once we have done with our VPN, what we must do to make it work is to configure it on the mobile. The steps to follow are available to anyone and even more so with the quick and simple explanation that we offer you.

  • First, we access the mobile settings.
  • Then we enter the section on connections and mobile networks.
  • Click on the VPN section and start the configuration with the data provided.

configurar vpn android

In the panel that will appear to us to complete our VPN we will have to enter the name with which we want to know the configuration, the type of VPN to use, the server address and the username together with the password. By completing this data we can save it and use it according to our needs. To know that we are browsing through the VPN , we can look at the top of the screen, where a small key will appear next to the notifications.