GetWindowText: Copy Text from Error Message or Window

Each software developer, when creating their own projects , imposes a series of modes of behavior on them, such as blocking certain parts. This is something that sometimes happens with texts, something that we can skip with programs like GetWindowText.

We must bear in mind that it is probable that on some occasion we have found that certain texts in some application windows are blocked. Generally when we click on the window of an application and copy some text that houses its interface, we do it without problem . But that is not always possible, since its creator may have blocked this option, in the first place.


It is for all this that in these lines we are going to talk to you about a way to solve all this quickly and efficiently, thanks to the GetWindowText application. Actually, this is based on allowing us to take the text that cannot be selected from the dialog boxes that we mentioned. Of course, this is not the only solution of this type that we can get hold of. Likewise, the similar program Textify that you can download from its official website will be very useful.

How GetWindowText helps us to capture texts

Well, it is worth mentioning that with GetWindowText we find a free and portable software that will help us here. This is because it allows us to capture text from the windows of other applications where the content has been blocked. Of course, we must be very clear that this is not an OCR or optical character recognition software .

We will also tell you that the program has a minimalist and intuitive user interface . Initially we found a large text box in the center. At the same time we see a button on the left and three more at the top of the program window. Thus, this text box tells us what to do if we need to use the app.

Interfaz inicial GetWindowText

So we can capture blocked texts from other programs

Therefore, as the initial text indicates, we have to click on the button next to it and that has the symbol of? In color blue. Next we have to drag the pointer to the window from which we want to copy the text . In this way, the content under the location where we place the mouse, should appear in the text box of the GetWindowText interface.

At the same time, when you mouse over several locked text elements, we will see the text change in the box, all in real time. Therefore we can use this to preview and capture what we really need. It is also interesting to know that we find a smaller box located at the bottom of the user interface. This shows interesting information such as the location in the form of coordinates of the mouse position and the class ID of the window we are working with. Once we have captured the text that interests us, we can make use of the buttons located at the top of the interface .

Botones captura GetWindowText

These will allow us to either directly copy the captured text to the system clipboard, or export it to HTML. Say that when you select the icon represented by a globe, a tab opens in the web browser. This will automatically contain the text that the program previously captured.

Configure the program to adapt it to your needs

At this point we will say that initially GetWindowText is configured to always remain in view, but that is something that we can change. At the same time the program is placed in the system tray when we minimize it. We have an Options button that allows us to establish transparency controls to define an opacity level for the window. This will be very useful if we use the app a lot.

Opciones GetWindowText

Say that this is an application that works with most programs, however it does not work with interface elements of Firefox , Thunderbird, Word , among others. This is due to the way they are designed and display the content, so in these cases they only capture the title of the window. We can also configure the software to start directly with the Windows operating system itself.

On the other hand, if at a certain moment we see that this described capture method does not work with part of the interface of any application, we recommend you click on the Options menu and select Relaunch in administrator mode. This will grant us administrator permissions to, for example, make the app work well with Windows Device Manager.

Free download to capture blocked texts

Well, if you think that all this that we have told you can be useful in your day to day with the PC , we will tell you how to get it. As we mentioned at the beginning, this is a program that you can download and use completely free of charge.

In addition we refer to a portable application that does not need any installation on the system. Of course, internally we can configure it to start directly when starting Windows. Therefore, to download the program as such, you can do it from the official website of its developer .