Do not turn on the heating of your car until now: you will save a lot

Now with the cold season with us, the car heating once again gains prominence in day-to-day journeys, both for work, days out, or on weekend getaways. Thus, the truth is that the passenger compartment of a vehicle must be at the right temperature to guarantee not only the comfort of the occupants, but also optimal driving by the driver. In any case, it is important that you turn it on at the right moment , since you will know how to save well on your consumption.

Do not turn on the heating of your car until now

Heating plays an important role in your car

Turning on the car heater in winter makes any trip more bearable. From commuting to work to weekend getaways. Well, in case you didn’t know, if the temperature of a vehicle is very low, the driver can catch a cold.

But, above all, this cold can come to grip you and affect your driving skills. And, conversely, excess heat can cause drowsiness. Therefore, the temperature must be the right one at all times to guarantee good comfort and optimal driving.

This is done directly, which can also be a way to save fuel on winter days. This is through heating systems that take advantage of the heat that is released from the engine’s own operation to heat it. However, that expense is that of the fan that passes the air into the passenger compartment.

Do it only when the car is hot

In this regard, it can also be said that too high a heating temperature increases the consumption of your car, whether it is gasoline or diesel. This is because the engine also generates power for the vehicle’s auxiliary systems, such as the climate control.

To use the car’s air conditioning or heating correctly, or at least more efficiently, it is advisable to follow some steps to do so, especially when the cold is more than present inside. Given this, we will tell you that the best time to turn on this system is only when the car is completely warm (on for a few minutes, stationary or moving).

Calefacción encender coche

This will be because, if the car is not yet hot, the air that will enter will cool the interior of the vehicle more and will force us to activate the ventilation more forcefully , the element that does use fuel in this entire process. In addition, by letting cold air in, we will lower the temperature of the vehicle and fog will probably form on the windows.

What is there to keep in mind

To consider, too, is that this essentially affects pure thermal cars , those with conventional combustion, since in hybrids the auxiliary systems are powered by the battery that supplies energy to the electrical block.

In addition, for the interior of the vehicle to heat up more effectively, the ideal is to focus it on the foot area , since hot air weighs less, and tends to rise, distributing itself better throughout the passenger compartment. Likewise, among what we can do, it is not advisable to keep it on with the car stopped for more than a minute (parked), since stopped and with the engine idling it is estimated that a car can spend about 0.6 litres/hour per litre.