How to Quickly Check if Your PC is Infected with Emotet

Among all the threats we can find when surfing the Internet, Emotet is one of the most present and important in recent times. It is a malware that can put our security and privacy at risk and is also capable of infecting it in many different ways. It is important to know if our computer is infected or not by this problem. Therefore in this article we will talk about a tool that allows us to know in a simple way if our system is infected by Emotet .

How to know if our computer is infected with Emotet

emotet-infectedEmotet has been one of the most present threats in recent times. It can come through very different methods, as we have mentioned. Its objective is none other than to compromise the security and privacy of users.

An example of how Emotet spreads is simply through an email with a Word file attached. This could release malware on our system and compromise security. Among other things, Emotet is able to download and install the TrickBot banking trojan , which can steal our credentials, cookies, browsing history and even spread to other computers on the same network.

All this makes it very important to protect our equipment to prevent the entry of threats like Emotet. However, sometimes we can make mistakes, there may be vulnerabilities or we can add malicious software that causes our computer to become infected. Therefore, it is also interesting to know at all times if our equipment is infected or not.

This is where EmoCheck comes in. It is a simple tool that we can use in Windows to know if the system has been infected by Emotet. It is completely free and its operation is very simple.

EmoCheck, the tool that Emotet detects

The first thing we have to do is download the EmoCheck tool from GitHub . It is available in both the 32 and 64 bit version. Once we have downloaded it, we just have to run the file.

If, when executing the file, you indicate that you have not detected Emotet on our system, it means that you are free of this threat. We will not have to worry about anything else.

On the other hand, in the extreme case that you tell us what Emotet has detected, we would have to take action. It is important that we go to the task manager and close that process. It will also be necessary to install or update the antivirus and perform a deep system scan. It will also be vital to have the latest operating system updates to correct potential vulnerabilities.

El problema de Emotet

The importance of protecting our equipment

It is a reality that our systems must be protected correctly. We are not only talking about preventing Emotet from entering, but also about any other threat that may jeopardize our security and privacy on the network. There are many attacks that can affect us and we must take precautions to avoid it.

It will be necessary to have security tools , as we have mentioned. A good antivirus can help us detect and eliminate very diverse malware. There are many, both free and paid. It is important to apply it in any operating system.

It will also be necessary to have the latest security patches and updates . Only then will we avoid the possible vulnerabilities that are used by hackers to carry out their attacks. We need to avoid those security flaws.

Finally, although perhaps most importantly, common sense . We have seen that in the case of Emotet you can simply arrive through an email that has a malicious attachment. That means that by opening or downloading that file you can run malware and compromise our entire system. Care must be taken when using email and always make sure you know the recipient before opening or downloading an attachment. The same could apply when browsing the network and not fall into possible traps that compromise our systems.