Avoid mentions on Instagram and say goodbye to annoying giveaways

Millions of people use the Instagram social network daily to share posts of all kinds, either through their own profile or mentioned to a friend, among other actions. However, there is a widespread complaint in the community and it is related to the annoying notifications for mentions in a giveaway.

Instagram spam is a real nuisance and it is that practically every day users receive a message informing them that they have been tagged or mentioned in a publication of a supposed giveaway. The vast majority completely ignore these giveaways that they are not interested in at all, but those notifications keep coming, so today we are going to teach you how to eliminate them completely.

Avoid mentions on Instagram and say goodbye to annoying giveaways

No mentions on Instagram

Surely you have supposedly won an iPhone 13 through an Instagram giveaway in which you had not participated. I have also won it and probably some other friend of yours. This annoying practice of the Meta application drives more than one crazy, especially those who are exposed to this problem every day.

Luckily, the app has a setting that will allow you to forget about this issue so that you will never again be mentioned in a publication that does not interest you. Remember that if you duplicate the Instagram app, these settings will be saved so you don’t have to do it twice. The procedure is not complicated at all , but we are going to leave the steps in detail so as not to fall into confusion:

Menciones Instagram

  1. If you want to avoid any mention on Instagram, you have to open the app and access the section related to your profile, that is, tap on your photo.
  2. Click on the three lines at the top to display the options menu and select “Settings”.
  3. Once you are inside this section, look for the setting that receives the name of “Privacy”.
  4. In this section you can control a large number of aspects related to the privacy of your account and among them is the “Mentions” option.
  5. It is advisable in this sense that you choose “People you follow” so that at least your followers have the possibility to mention you if they come across a publication that may interest you, although the decision is all yours.

You can do the same with tags

Being mentioned is not your only problem, as it is also possible that someone tags you in an Instagram post. This means that by carrying out the above you will not get rid of having notifications of absurd contests or other activities. Of course, you can disable this feature so that only your followers can tag you and the best thing is that the process is not very different from the previous one. In fact, the first steps are identical:

Etiquetas Instagram

  1. Within Instagram, go to your profile and tap on the top three lines to open the menu.
  2. Go to “Settings” and then to “Privacy”.
  3. Here everything changes compared to the mentions and you must click on the “Publications” section.
  4. In the “Allow tags from” section, select the option you want.
  5. In the event that you choose only the people you follow, it is advisable to enable “Manually approve tags” to decide for yourself if a friend can put your profile in their photo.