5 signs that an email is Phishing

Without a doubt, Phishing is one of the most common security threats on the Internet. Identifying when a message may be false will allow you to take action before it’s too late. For this reason, in this article we are going to show 5 signs that an email may be Phishing . This way you will avoid clicking where you shouldn’t or downloading a file that could become a danger without you realizing it.

What indicates that an e-mail is Phishing

5 signs that an email is Phishing

With a Phishing attack , a hacker could steal your passwords and personal data. Basically what they do is impersonate a legitimate company. In this way they can ask us to put the password or any data that, in reality, will reach a server controlled by the attacker.

strange address

Undoubtedly one of the clearest signs that we are facing a Phishing attack is when we see that the email address is strange . Sometimes it’s even really weird, just nonsense letters and numbers. This tells us that it may be a randomly created account, just for the purpose of using it for these attacks.

The domain can also help us detect a fake e-mail. It is not necessarily going to be like that, but you can see that a domain other than the usual ones can be one more sign that something is not going well. This will help you know when you are going to be a victim of Phishing and take action as soon as possible.

errors in the text

Of course, another thing to keep in mind is that the text may have grammatical errors , in the way it is written, etc. You can see clear signs that this email is not reliable, that it could have been sent only with the aim of stealing information without you realizing it.

A clear example is when you receive an e-mail that shows that it is poorly translated . They try to show an original text, which seems safe, but in reality they have translated it from another language and it is clearly seen that they use words that are not correct, phrases that do not make much sense and the like.

Imágenes Phishing que llegan por correo

Attachments or links

Yet another sign is when you come across a lot of links or attachments that don’t make much sense. The real objective of hackers is that you just accidentally open a link and put your data where you shouldn’t or download a document that is attached and is actually malware.

Therefore, if you see that an email you have received is full of attachments or links that do not make much sense, it is very likely that it is a Phishing email and it is best to delete it as soon as possible to have no security issues.

Say it’s urgent

Hackers typically play with time . They try to make it appear that this email is urgent, that we need to take action as soon as possible. The goal is to reduce the victim’s ability to react. They try to get them not to think too much, to be afraid that something might really be wrong, and to do it quickly.

For example, they usually say that someone has entered our email account or social networks and that we need to change the password as soon as possible or verify that it is us so that the account is not deleted. That logically will put the victim on alert and it is more likely that they will end up clicking.

They ask you for personal data

Another indication that you may be facing a Phishing attack is when they ask for personal data in that email. You can see that they ask you for certain information related to your personal data , such as your home address, telephone number, etc. We must bear in mind that our personal information has a great value on the network and that can also be used for many cyber attacks.

If you see that the e-mail you have received asks for personal information and it does not make much sense, it is more than likely that it is a scam. In addition, it is never advisable to send personal data through this means, since there is always the risk that this information may be leaked.

In short, these are some signs that you are facing a Phishing attack. It is essential to take action and avoid making mistakes that compromise your privacy. Always try to maintain common sense when surfing the net.