WiFi Settings Not Showing Up in Windows 10: How to Fix it

When surfing the Internet today, most users use wireless networks. If we looked back only a few years ago, it was normal to connect with a computer connected by cable to the router. Little by little, new mobile devices have appeared that allow us to connect wirelessly and, together with the improvement of the routers, have made connecting via Wi-Fi something very frequent.

Now, sometimes these types of connections give problems. Today we are going to talk about how to solve when the Wi-Fi configuration does not appear in Windows 10.


The rise of Wi-Fi connections

As we mentioned every day we connect more to the Internet through Wi-Fi networks . This makes it necessary to have connections with a minimum of quality and stability, as well as good speed. But the truth is that wireless networks are more unstable, usually offer less speed and give more problems.

Sometimes those errors can be in the hardware and in the physical capacity of the devices. It may also happen that these failures are due to problems with the software. Sometimes it depends on the operating system we are using, on possible updates, etc.

However, the normal thing is that these problems can be solved by the users. Today we are going to focus on the problem of not showing the Wi-Fi settings in Windows 10 . This results in that we will not be able to connect wirelessly from our device.

How to fix when Wi-Fi settings do not appear

This is a problem that appears in some users. Suddenly the Wi-Fi configuration is not shown in Windows 10. There is no button to go to the configuration and, ultimately, connect to a network. Generally we can solve this problem easily by following a few simple steps that we are going to mention.

Update the system and network drivers

The first thing we recommend is to keep the system updated correctly, as well as to have the latest versions of the network drivers. Sometimes problems can arise if we have updated Windows and that version is not compatible with the one we have of the network drivers, or vice versa.

It could also happen that we have left a half update and this creates problems. Therefore, we recommend that you first verify that we have the latest versions of both the network card drivers and the operating system installed.

Once we update all the best is to restart the system. In this way we will check if the problems have been solved by starting it again.

Start the troubleshooter

Sometimes just simply start the Windows troubleshooter . It can be very useful to solve certain problems that may affect our devices. To do this, go to Start, Settings, Network and Internet, Status and Network Troubleshooter.

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Check that the network card is connected correctly

Do we have the Wi-Fi network card installed correctly? This is another point that we must keep in mind. Sometimes the problem is simply because it is not connected correctly. This can happen mainly if it is an external card that we can disconnect.

Therefore, something else that we must take into account is the fact that the network card is correctly inserted and ready to work.

Keep the system free of malware

This is something generic. Any type of malware can compromise the proper functioning of the system and affect it in many different ways. We must always take into account the importance of having security tools. In this way we can prevent the entry of threats that compromise our systems. A good antivirus is important.

In short, these are some steps we can take if the Wi-Fi configuration does not appear in Windows 10. As we can see, these are simple and basic points to keep in mind in case of problems.