Why Free VPS Can Affect Security

VPS, as we know, is the acronym for virtual private server. It is hosted remotely on a computer that we can rent from a hosting provider. It is a virtual environment. Now, we can choose to pay a cheap amount or also have a free VPS. However, the latter may be a problem for our security. In this article we are going to talk about it. Let’s explain why having a free VPS is a mistake .

VPS: free and paid option

This is something that happens in many tools and platforms that we can use online. It is common to find the free and paid option. However, on some occasions, in certain services, it can be a problem to use the free versions that can undermine privacy and security. We speak for example of VPNs, but also, as we see in this case, of private virtual servers or VPS.

Why Free VPS Can Affect Security

Renting a VPS has a cost that can be up to several tens of euros per month. It will depend, as we can imagine, on the available size, the properties and options it has.

But as it happens in many cases we can find free options. Sure, these free VPS hosting options are not going to have the same features and security measures as if we rented a server and paid for it.

Why is it wrong to use free VPS

The first thing to keep in mind is that many VPS hosts offer free trials. Does this mean that it is insecure? It doesn’t have to. But of course, we may come across some options that are actually a scam, do not have essential security measures or that may even be the gateway to our personal data.

Precisely this, the data and personal information , is the first thing to consider when choosing a VPS. Registering in one means that we are going to send personal data, in addition to that sometimes even if it is free we will have to register our bank card to later eliminate the service, even if they never charge us.

Another problem that affects privacy is that activity logs are sometimes kept. This makes that VPS can retain activity logs when we log in, the IP address or monitor the connection. Can we be sure that all this is not sold to third parties for profit, hence why they offer us a free service?

Also keep in mind that a free VPS could be used to carry out Man-in-The-Middle attacks . What does this mean? This problem can occur when we log in to what appears to be a safe and legitimate destination, such as a website, a router or a server, but there is an attacker who captures our data when logging in, our passwords, information personal etc.

We must also mention any vulnerabilities that may exist. Generally, all free services have less support to correct possible failures that may compromise the security and privacy of users. These vulnerabilities can occur at the hardware or software level and affect users.

This free VPS may be located in a place with laws that do not properly maintain security . There are nations where privacy laws do not equally protect user data. This logically can be a problem, so it is important when choosing a VPS to consult where it is hosted.

Finally, what we mentioned earlier is that we can find a VPS service that is actually a scam. In other words, what they offer us for free may actually be a scam. It is something that we must keep in mind.

In short, when choosing a VPS you must be careful with security and privacy aspects. We cannot use one for free without consulting exactly how it works and if it can affect us.