What First Steps to Take After Buying a New Router

When we buy a device we must always take into account some aspects related to the configuration, services that we can include, security improvements … This is what happens if we buy a new router . We are going to give a series of guidelines that we must take into account. Some essential steps that we must take to make it work correctly and not have any type of problem.

What to do after buying a new router

The router is a fundamental piece for our Internet connection. It is the main device for other devices to connect. This makes it essential to have it safe, up-to-date, and ready to go without any hassle. Hence, when buying a new one it is convenient to take into account some parameters.


Put the router in a good place

Something essential is the place where we are going to place the router . If we have bought a new device we will have to choose where we are going to put it. Our advice is that it is in a central area of the house, away from other electronic devices that may interfere.

It is also interesting that it is located in an elevated area. In this way, the wireless signal is emitted better than if we place it in a low space, such as in the lower part of a piece of furniture. Better a higher location.

Change factory settings

Another issue to take into account is to change the factory settings . We are talking, for example, of changing the name of the wireless network, the password to access both the router and the Wi-Fi, etc. It is important not to use the same name that came when buying the device, since it possibly offers information about the model we are using and that could be used by possible intruders.

Create strong passwords

Don’t forget the importance of creating passwords that are strong and complex . They must contain letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols. All this randomly and must be unique.

But not only do you have to have a good Wi-Fi password, but also to access the router. In both cases, the main objective is to prevent the entry of intruders that could compromise security and put the proper functioning of the equipment at risk.


Update firmware

In addition, another point that we must not ignore is the importance of updating the router’s firmware . Like any other device, it is essential that it is properly updated. In this way we will have the performance improvements that allow a faster and more stable connection, but also correct possible vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Updating the firmware of the router, as well as any other network component, is very important. Of course, we must always install it from official sources and avoid third-party sites that may be insecure and end up being a problem.

Choose the channel and enable dual band

The channel and the Wi-Fi band that we are using can be decisive for the Internet speed to be adequate. Therefore, with a new router we must ensure that we are connected to the most optimal channel, as well as have the dual-band option enabled and be able to connect to both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.

In short, these are some of the main steps we must take when purchasing a new router. Simple things that we can do quickly and make sure that we are going to have optimal performance and also protect the safety of the device at all times.