Warzone Season 6: New Operators Farah and Nikolai

We already know the date on which the new course will begin in Warzone and Modern Warfare , since Activision has announced that Season 6 of Warzone will begin on September 26. You are ready?

New female operator

Warzone Season 6

The season arrives with the arrival of Farah, a new operator who arrives in the form of heroin, since we are talking about the founder and commander of the Urzikstani Liberation Force. With vast experience from operations conducted against Al-Qatala forces, Farah will join the Union Chimera and will be available as an available character at level 0 of the Season 6 Battle Pass.

An old acquaintance joins the battle

Warzone Temporada 6

As if that were not enough, the second operator is an old acquaintance, and is that Nikolai will be a selectable character in season 6. Friend of Captain Price, we fancy a very interesting duo to walk through the grounds of Verdansk. Of course, to get their services you will have to reach level 100 of the Battle Pass, or else you will run out of it.

A step through the subway tunnels

Warzone Temporada 6

The presentation trailer has also served to advance the different metro stations that could be available in Warzone. As can be seen in the final image, there will be 7 stations that will be distributed on the map, named in alphabetical order from letter A to G.

In this way, one of the latest theories that had been sounding for a few weeks is confirmed, an idea that invited us to think about the existence of an underground subway network hidden on the map and that was seen lately with the appearance of certain mouths of metro in some areas of the map.

Now we only have to know if these stations are connected to each other and if we can explore them in search of new secret chests, or if on the contrary they are just simple underground enclosures that will have to be visited one by one. Be that as it may, surely these stations hide the odd riddle like opening the bunkers or the gates of the Warzone stadium.