US Successfully Tests Its Undetectable Missile System

The latest generation military weapons are increasingly being implemented by many countries between their attack and defense systems to guarantee the security of the nation. From robots, to vehicles, machine guns or missiles that reach enormous speeds, making them almost undetectable by radars. Now the United States has tested one of its new weapons, which consists of a missile system that is incapable of being detected by enemies.

We see with increasing frequency how different countries try to improve all their systems to the maximum in order to make them both more subtle, as well as faster and more destructive.

US Successfully Tests Its Undetectable Missile System

A missile system that cannot be detected

This is possible because the guided missiles do not emit radio waves, something that rival radars do. Therefore, this new mechanism is capable of firing guided missiles against any type of aircraft, including stealth vehicles. In addition, the system does not emit any type of radiation which helps to make it undetectable to enemies.

At a United States Air Force base located in Florida, the first real fire test was conducted using these medium-range missiles. They are characterized by using an advanced search and tracking system through infrared, which makes it a very effective weapon against enemy targets.

The vehicle in charge of using this new missile system was the F-15C Eagle, a two-engine fighter. The target used for testing was another fighter known as the QF-16.

The name of the missiles that were fired is AIM-120 and the tests that were carried out with them were a total success, hitting the target without problem.

A breakthrough by the American military

Its system allows fighter crews to detect, guide, track and use weapons and verify that a target has been intercepted without the need for radar.

Therefore, this new weapon allows military aircraft to aim at a target, even if it does not appear close on the radar, which shows an enormous work on the part of both the Department of Defense and the United States Air Force.

Therefore, this new system is a great improvement for stealth fighters in the United States that allows the detection, tracking and even identification of different subjects in the air without using any type of radar.

This is very important to guarantee security since more and more military powers are incorporating among their modern armaments both stealth vehicles and state-of-the-art missiles.