Top Amazon price comparators to find the best deals

amazon-best-offerAlthough we usually leave you the best Amazon offers so you can find what you are looking for at the best price, you may want a specific product and want it cheaper. If so, there are tools that allow you to compare or find anything in the online store. Today we collect the best Amazon price comparators so you have everything under control and you can spend less but buying the same. They are useful, allow you to find the best deals and compare with the price at other times or other countries.

We collect the Amazon price comparators that you can access from your browser from any device, search for the product you want and find all available offers and all prices. You can see if it has gone up or down, choose when is the best time to make the purchase or set up email alerts.

Use these Amazon price comparators to find the best deals


One of Amazon’s most popular trackers is camelcamelcamel. You can compare products that interest you, set price drop notices, view graphs or check popular products. One of the main utilities of this website is that it allows you to create price tracking on Amazon and receive notices by email or Twitter when they download. It also allows you to compare or view the price history of almost 18 million products in the online store, so you can be sure if they have really gone down or not.

If you want to have camelcamelcamel always at hand, you can add browser extensions for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome and see a price history on a chart with The Camelizer. But if not, you can also access through the website and its operation is simple: paste the Amazon URL or type a keyword to find the product and see the comparison or price evolution.

Camelcamelcamel - Mejores comparadores de precio de Amazon


Keepa is another of Amazon’s best price comparators and the most recommended. It allows you to consult outstanding offers, track the products you want or have information or graphics with the price history of more than 1 billion products in the online store. Like the previous one, you can install the extension for the browser that will help you keep everything under control and is compatible with Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer to have all the information always at hand.

In this case, the tracker not only allows you to find the best price of what interests you but also has a section of offers that is updated every day and in which you can see the best discounts. You can choose from all types of categories (food, baby, games, home, garden …) and see the daily offers of these products. You will save money and always find the best discount.



Monitorizo has a comfortable, attractive and useful interface with options to see the latest price drops or to find the product you want and need. Beyond a control of the products that interest you, you can filter by categories to find the offers of each type such as luggage, books, baby, cinema, home … But you can also search for products, create alerts or receive notices in your email in In case there is something that interests you especially in Amazon.

The operation of Monitorizo is very simple. Simply go to the website, paste the URL of the product you want and you can monitor prices or create an alert that alerts you when what you want has dropped. You can save and you will not have to open it every day to check if it has gone down or not and just check your email to see the historical and the evolution of the price of the product over time. A good price comparator to find the best deals.



If you are looking for a very basic and uncomplicated interface, Save Money is one of Amazon’s best comparators. Simply enter the text you want, the ASIN code, the URL or the ISBN of a book and do a search in the online store. You can choose the country in which you want to search in order to calculate shipping costs or you can choose to search across Amazon or only in premium products.

As in the rest of the list, Save Money allows you to access different lists to find offers : Top Come, News, Sale, Bargains … It will allow you to find out what is trending or install an extension in Google Chrome to have it always at hand. One of the main advantages of this comparator is that it has an Android application that will allow you to track your products or check the deals of the day wherever you are.


Offer yourself

In the case of Bid, you not only find offers in Amazon Spain but also in France, Italy, Germany or Amazon UK. The advantage is that you can buy the prices in the different countries and analyze if it compensates you to pay the shipping costs to enjoy the best offer.

The operation is similar to the rest: you are looking for the product you want and you will see a list with all the options available, its current price or its previous price as well as the discount percentage. You can click on the buy button directly or on the compare button, which will analyze a price table with what it will cost you in each of the countries. Simply choose the one you are interested in and it will take you directly to the website to buy it.

Ofertete - Mejores comparadores


The operation of Kelkoo is similar to that of the rest of the comparators on the list although with a very basic operation and an interface that stands out for being cleaner than the rest of Amazon’s price comparators. When you open the website, you just have to write what you want to buy or compare. You can choose between categories (such as small appliances) or specific brands (such as iRobot, for example) but you can also search by product time (such as “vacuum cleaners”) and you will find a comparison of prices and offers.

Kelkoo also allows you to browse categories if you don’t know very well what you are looking for. You can explore the different offers of electronics, footwear, cars and motorcycles, gifts, fashion, furniture … In each of them you will find subcategories that you can access to see the thousands of available results. And you can filter by store (on Amazon) to find all the offers in it but there is also the possibility to compare with Phone House, for example, or other distributors.
