Top 6 Gadgets Beyond Classic Lab Apparatus

Technology is developing at a rapid pace in this present era, providing scientists and researchers with adequate lab infrastructure necessary to explore novel techniques and groundbreaking methodologies. Lately, we have seen some remarkable innovations that not only simplify the processes conducted in labs but also provide valuable insight that could be used as the basis of novel discoveries. Without further ado, let’s jump right into the latest gadgets and instruments used in a lab setting that might be a better option than your conventional lab apparatus. 


Tumor Profiling

The traditional methods used to profile tumor markers are hectic and painstaking. With one sample, they can identify only two or three tumor markers at a time. The normal techniques are ineffective at providing spatial information from the tumors. Sophisticated fluidics systems are now available that have the capability to detect around 40 different markers using a sink sample alongside spatial information at a cellular and subcellular level. 

Spatial information is crucial to understanding what type of cells are next to each other. Spectral overlap is another problem scientists face while studying tumor markers, as a small sample containing a plethora of antibodies are difficult to distinguish. This simple, yet effective instrument can help save time and provide better results.

Live-cell Microscope

Microscopes are nothing new in a lab setting. However, this microscope provides you an in-detail view of cell interactions occurring in real time. With this latest tech equipment, scientists can easily view interactions of cells with each other and changes occurring within each cell. 

This innovative instrument is based on the groundbreaking digital holographic microscopy technique. A live-cell microscope we are discussing does not project the image of the cell placed. Instead, the microscope records the cell’s refractive index. The different light rays bouncing off the cell structures are recorded and used to create a 3D hologram by a sophisticated algorithm.

Cell organelles are of a variety of shapes and sizes. By using this tech, scientists can get precise information of any changes occurring within the organelles and record them to study. The user-interface is very simple which scientists can use to set specific fields of view to observe and let the microscope do the rest. Nowadays, there are several companies which are offering this nano-line imaging technology at a cost that is way less when compared to equipment doing the same work. 

Mass Spectroscopy

Simply put, spectroscopy uses electromagnetic radiation to measure and investigate the different spectra produced by the object. When radiation is targeted, some is absorbed while some is reflected back. This difference in the radiation is recorded by the mass spectrometry instruments, which are then used for further evaluation. Finding out the atomic structures of cells, monitoring the composition of substances, and improving molecular structures of therapeutic drugs are some notable Examples of Spectroscopy that reveal the capability of this revolutionary instrument. Even space exploration, classifying proteins and studying galaxies is made possible using mass spectroscopy. This lab gadget is a must have if you want a detailed insight into the structure and composition of substances, down to the atomic level. 

Gene Sequencing

DNA and RNA sequencing techniques are already being used to study the exact sequences making up these genes. However, recent advances in automation and AI have made it really simple to sequence DNA or RNA with an ultimate precision that is time and cost effective as well. The gene sequencing using these instruments provides valuable insight on translocations in the genome along with relevant sequencing information. Moreover, this tech has the potential to identify relevant genetic changes that trigger the development of rare diseases.  

Breath Biopsy

This medical lab instrument is used as a detection tool to measure volatile and non-volatile organic compounds. In addition to detecting biomarkers, this gadget can easily be used to administer small doses of chemicals to study the drug interactions within the body or the liver function. 

Assay for Transposase Accessible Chromatin

This technique is widely used to amplify and sequence gene fragments by introducing a transportase enzyme that disassembles the DNA and adding connectors to the strand for modification. Novel ATAC sequencing gadgets are capable enough to sequence thousands of cells at a time. Labs mostly use this tech to research on immune cell biology. 

Transposase Accessible Chromatin

Most of the innovations we have discussed above were based on previously discovered technologies that have been refined over the years, allowing for quick and effective results. The road to innovation has many diversions and dead ends which are navigated through to achieve important milestones that shape the future ahead.