Tips to improve your home WiFi a lot without a repeater

Improving internet connectivity is not always an easy feat. People often resort to buying a Wi-Fi repeater to fix speed and coverage issues. However, this solution may not always work and can even worsen the connection. In this article, we will explore alternative solutions to enhance your wireless signal. We will provide tips on what to consider in order to achieve a stronger Wi-Fi signal, without having to resort to purchasing a Wi-Fi repeater.

Upgrade your router and devices

connect internet

To improve your wireless signal, the first step should be upgrading your router and ensuring it is located in an area with minimal interference or obstacles that could impede the signal’s distribution. Bluetooth devices such as speakers and microwaves that operate on the same 2.4 GHz frequency as Wi-Fi should be kept at a distance to avoid interference. Placing the router on an elevated surface can also improve its performance.

Additionally, preparing the devices that will be connected to the network is crucial. This includes protecting them with a reliable antivirus and ensuring that they are up-to-date with the latest software updates to prevent any potential issues that could impact the connection’s quality. By taking these steps, you can improve your Wi-Fi signal without the need for a Wi-Fi repeater.

Avoid problems with Wi-Fi

Alternatives to a repeater

In addition to upgrading your router and ensuring proper device preparation, there are other alternatives to using a Wi-Fi repeater to improve your network. These devices can provide optimal coverage and stability, allowing you to connect from further away without any problems.

One option is to use PLC devices, which use the electrical network to carry the connection from one place to another in the house. This method is better than repeaters since using the power line results in less loss than repeaters, which rely on receiving the signal wirelessly.

You can also consider using Wi-Fi Mesh systems. These systems consist of several satellites that are connected to each other, providing coverage over a large area. You can distribute the satellites around the house where you need a good connection, and they connect to each other instead of directly to the router, allowing coverage to extend further.

Another alternative is to connect via cable, although this may not always be possible. You can install Ethernet cables in your home to reach areas where you need to connect, offering the greatest stability.

As you can see, there are different options available to improve your Wi-Fi network beyond using a repeater. It is important to first identify the problem areas and try to improve your router and device preparation before exploring these alternatives.