The Google Maps error that affects millions of users has a solution

Application failures are often extremely annoying. Above all, when they have to do with programs that we use on a regular basis, such as Google Maps. Google’s smart navigation system is experiencing a bug related to the dark mode in Android Auto and users have been quick to show their complaints.

However, it should be noted that the Mountain View company has not been slow to solve the situation and an update is now available that completely eradicates the problem. That is why it is urgent to go to the Play Store to avoid possible misfortunes in the future.

The Google Maps error that affects millions of users has a solution

Google Maps dark forever

If you use Android Auto, you have surely noticed that Google Maps always appears in dark mode by default despite not having selected this option. Even if you have the light mode setting on your smartphone. None of this matters, since the application ignores all of it.

There are those who are not completely in tune with the dark mode on their device and it is precisely for this reason that this problem is so annoying. However, it is necessary to point out that when we drive at night it is advisable to use this mode so as not to be surprised by a dazzling white screen .

Atascos Google Maps

Luckily there is already a patch on the way that fixes this error. It has been the Autoevolution medium who has detected the end of the problem with the arrival of the 11.35.1 update of Google Maps , as well as the disappearance of a thread where users discussed this fact and its solution. This is because the American company has put an end to the issue.

In the event that you are a victim of this inconvenience, you just have to go to the Google Play Store and search among the apps installed on your mobile until you find the navigation system. If by some chance it still does not appear as available, you will have to wait a few days for the deployment of this version to be completed.

Still having problems?

If you have not yet received the corresponding update or after it you continue to experience malfunctions in relation to the dark mode of Google Maps, there is the option to modify this aspect yourself to circumvent the problem. Be careful, because there is a possibility that you had previously enabled this setting by mistake , so it is worth taking a look.

The procedure to change the dark mode of the application does not hide much difficulty, although we are going to present the steps in detail to avoid possible confusion when carrying out the modification:

Modo oscuro Google Maps

  1. Open Google Maps on your mobile phone.
  2. Tap on your profile icon at the top right and select Settings.
  3. Tap the Theme section and choose the relevant option, be it light mode, dark mode, or the same as the device theme.
  4. To change the appearance of the map, tap on Navigation settings.
  5. Swipe until you find the Map display section.
  6. Choose the color that suits your preferences.