Share the screen or your folders in Ubuntu Linux with this change

Even new users in these matters are now launching themselves to try alternative operating systems to Windows such as some Linux distributions . This is something that happens with one of the most used and loved as Ubuntu and that offers us a good number of advantages on a day-to-day basis.

Much of the blame for these tests lies with the developers of the aforementioned Linux distros. And it is that little by little they are getting all kinds of users to try their projects due to the simplicity of use that they offer us. Those times when Linux was limited to a few experts in this software, have been left behind in most cases. In this way, many of those who do not agree at all with the operating mode of Microsoft‘s Windows , launch to test an open source system.

Share the screen or your folders in Ubuntu Linux with this change

Here we find all kinds of functions, most comparable to the Microsoft system, and even better. But for many the most important thing in these times is the ease of use that the whole set provides us to take advantage of the operating system. It is true that delving into it through the Terminal already requires more advanced knowledge, but that is not a problem for most who do not want complications.

As a clear example of all this, the functions that we are going to talk about below that allow us to share the screen or certain folders in a matter of seconds in the aforementioned Ubuntu. What a few years ago was a somewhat complex task that required advanced Linux knowledge , today it is within the reach of most.

Share screen or certain folders in Ubuntu Linux

Keep in mind that the Ubuntu configuration section, as in most Linux systems, can be very helpful. From here we can customize and adapt a multitude of sections and parameters of the software itself to our needs. In addition, to access this window that we are commenting on, we only have to click with the right mouse button on the desktop and select the Configuration option.

Configuración Ubuntu

This movement will give way to a new window in which, if we take a look at its left panel, we find the different sections available. Well, in the case that concerns us in these lines we are going to place ourselves in the section called Share . By default the features available here are disabled.

The main reason for this is obviously for security reasons. But this is a state that we can quickly modify and thus share, on the one hand, our screen, and on the other, certain folders that we have in the system. Of course, before being able to activate these options, it is mandatory to change the status of the selector located at the top of the window, next to the Share message.

compartir Ubuntu

From that moment we will be able to customize how we are going to share the system screen, for example, establishing an access password . In fact, this is highly recommended for security and privacy reasons. In the same way we can change the name of the computer or specify the specific folders that we want to share with other users.