Security Researchers Managed to Break the Strongest Password

Passwords are the first defensive barrier to protect our accounts against potential intruders. When connecting to the Internet, using our accounts and records, every day we must manage a large number of keys. There are more complex and simple, as we know. We must take into account a number of factors to avoid problems. Now, is there a password that is totally infallible? Today we echo a work done by security researchers who have managed to break the biggest encryption key to date .

They manage to break the most complex password to date

A group of French security researchers has managed to break a password that used the most complex cryptography system to date. In this case that encryption key had 240 characters . This is the RSA-240 encryption key, with a size of 795 bits and 240 decimal digits.

To date it is the most complex password they have managed to decipher. It has been a record. For this, they logically had to use a considerable amount of networked equipment. In total they have needed 35 million computing hours (or what is the same 4,000 years).

The scientists made calculations in a network of equipment located in France, Germany and the United States. Calculating the algorithm was a time-consuming task, since they used 27 million core hours and deciphering the RSA-240 took 8 million computing hours.

Rompen la contraseña más fuerte de la historia

It does not pose any security risk for users

Although it is a historical feat, since it involves the most complex password decryption to date , this does not mean that users may be affected. Actually we are talking about having managed to decipher a weaker key than any of the ones we use in our day to day.

Of course, this fact shows the importance of using a correct password . It is in our hands that our password is a reliable barrier or could be vulnerable to possible attacks. That is why we must always take into account certain parameters that must be followed.

The first thing is to use passwords that are unique . We should not use keys that we are already using in other places, as this would be a security problem. In addition, it is vital that this password is completely random, which has letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special symbols. In this way we will generate a very strong and hard to find key.

Length is also a very important factor. Each character we add will give us an exponentially greater security. We also advise periodically changing the keys to add an extra layer of security and run even less risks.

In short, a group of computer security researchers have managed to break the most complex password to date. This shows us that the possibility of deciphering keys is very present, although we ourselves can make that not happen or be practically impossible if we take into account the parameters we have mentioned.