Robots Will Be Able to Hit Punches Faster Thanks to This Invention

Robots Will Be Able to Hit Punches Faster

It is common in robotics for companies to develop machines that help do different jobs within factories or establishments to replace a human being and thus save both time and money. However, small robots are also made that are capable of doing different things. For example, the latter is capable of delivering blows very quickly.

We have recently seen how the car brand Tesla presented its humanoid robot capable of simple functions. But, even so, other robots have been created that are capable of using a structure that simulates an arm to grab different pieces or objects or even spin hamburgers in the kitchens of some restaurants.

A robot that simulates the attack of a mantis

This robot can simulate a mantis, which is characterized by having a very fast blow. It has been created by a group of Harvard scientists and they believe that it can help drive new capabilities for human technologies.

To deliver its blow, the mantis builds pressure in the muscles that is released forward very quickly. Within the tendons of these muscles are two small structures called sclerites that hold the muscles back, but then allow the stored energy to be released at once.

However, Harvard scientists have wanted by creating their robbery to improve this system. This little machine weighs just one and a half grams.

The robot does not have the same drilling capacity as a mantis, but it can move faster than any other similar device ever made. His arm can reach a speed of 26 meters per second.

Could be a future feature for some machines

Slow motion images of both the robot and mantis movement were checked and it was concluded that after the sclerites are released, the structure of the muscles serves as a kind of secondary latch. This helps control the movement, holding it in place until a turning point is reached that causes it to shoot forward.

Thanks to this process, the stored elastic energy is released and the mechanical production of the system is improved. A student has assured that the process of geometric hooking reveals how organisms generate a very high acceleration in these movements that are as fast as blows.

Thus, the creation of this mechanism in the robot may represent a new functionality that could be applied to other robots as well as to other devices.