Roborock S5 Max, Get the Best Robot Vacuum At the Best Price

Vacuum robots have become one of the most essential gadgets of any home. Especially if we are one of those with animals at home. Thanks to them we can save hours a day by delegating the vacuum and scrubbing of the house to this robot. And although we think that a good robot vacuum can cost close to one thousand euros, the Roborock S5 Max is one of the best we can find in the market, and if we know how to take advantage of the ideal moment we can buy it for much less than we imagine.


Surely the date 11.11 sounds like something to us. This day is used by several online stores to launch a series of sales, only available during this day, that allow us to buy all kinds of objects through the Internet and save us a significant amount of money.

Roborock S5 Max: what does the most complete robot vacuum cleaner offer

This robot vacuum cleaner is one of the most complete models we can find. This robot vacuum cleaner has one of the engines with the highest suction power thanks to its internal fan that rotates at 1500 RPM. Thanks to it, it is possible to absorb all kinds of dirt, even being able to lift objects the size of an AA battery thanks to this suction power.

In addition to vacuuming our entire house, this robot is able to scrub it. It has a water tank of 290 ml with electric control that controls at all times the amount of water according to the type of soil being scrubbed.

the battery of the Roborock S5 Max is 5200 mAh. Thanks to it it is possible to vacuum and scrub for more than two and a half hours. In addition, if it runs out of battery it will return to its base to charge, and will resume cleaning when it has enough charge again. In total, this battery charges in less than 6 hours, so our robot aspirates will be ready every day for home cleaning.

This robot vacuum cleaner is able to automatically raise and detect carpets, adjusting the suction power to the maximum automatically to clean them thoroughly. In addition, it is able to climb obstacles up to 2 cm.

Software, the main strength of Roborock

Mechanics is not the most important thing in a robot vacuum cleaner. And this is another of the strengths of the Roborock S5 Max. This robot has a high precision laser that is responsible for recognizing our entire house and creating a virtual map. From this map, its complex algorithm will find the most optimal way to aspirate it, making the most of the battery and not leaving a corner to vacuum.

Thanks to the control software we will be able to plan our own routes, schedule cleanings the days we want and even put you on demand. We can map rooms and send them to clean them without having to carry out a complete cleaning, and even control the robot from our mobile. Of course, it also allows us to create virtual barriers to prevent them from entering rooms or areas where we don't want them to aspire.

If you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner or want to have more free time for you, you can certainly not miss.