How to remove silences from an MP3 file with Audacity

remove-silencies-audacityA big change in the editing of an audio to make it look professional is to eliminate uncomfortable and useless noises or silences in our recordings. Therefore, we show you how to remove them easily and for free with an audio editing program called Audacity.

It is quite likely that you already know this program if you are entering the world of music, or audio editing, among other utilities used by the industry. That this program is known, has not happened by chance, but, thanks to its functions and tools, has helped many for free to start in this world.

In this case we will use it to eliminate seconds without voice or audio, and thus take advantage to remove the possible noise that increases when there is no voice. With this we will leave the audio track clean and it will be much more professional and pleasant to hate.

Eliminate the annoying silences of songs with Audacity

The first thing we will need is the Audacity installed in our equipment, or a portable version. We can download it from the following link .


Once we have downloaded and installed it on our computer, we will proceed to open this program and introduce the audio track to which we want to eliminate the silences.

We will see a graph that indicates the audio waves and their intensity, the parts that have less intensity are usually silent. We will select the entire track or the part of the track to which we want to eliminate the silences automatically.


If we want to select the full track, we can use a shortcut by pressing « Ctrl + A «. After these we go to the top bar where it says “Effect” and look for the effect called ” Truncated of silence


When we give it a new window will open, in which it gives us the different possibilities for the detection of silences.

The threshold will be modified according to the “dB” of our track. If the silences do not include too much noise, we will leave it at -20 and all the audio it detects at that value will eliminate it. For this reason we must adjust the threshold.

If on the contrary in the silences there is a lot of noise, we will lower the threshold so that it detects greater sounds.

Where they indicate “Duration” we will enter the value that will detect where there is no sound, voices and so on. That is, if for 0.5 seconds there is no voice, no sounds, that part will be deleted. We must adjust this value as it suits us.

If we give it a higher value, then it will be easier to edit the audio.

In the section where it says “Truncate” , it will be the amount in seconds that is removed from audio after the detection of the duration that we have indicated before.


Finally we can listen to the audio before the final audio, so we can modify the values while we listen to how it would look. In the case of having several audio tracks in the same Audacity panel, we can mark the option of “ Truncate tracks independently

Once all the values have been inserted and the final audio has been heard, if agreed, click on “Accept” . We would already have the audio track clean of silences and possibly noise.