Protect Yourself from Web Spoofing and Avoid Being Robbed

Whenever we surf the Internet, we can run into multiple threats that put our security and privacy at risk. They can appear in the form of malware, Phishing attacks, fraudulent pages ... Hackers are primarily aimed at stealing our data and infecting devices. In this article we are going to talk about Web Spoofing. We will explain what this type of attack consists of and of course what we can do to avoid it. We will give a series of tips to avoid compromising our security and privacy on the network.

Spoofing Attacks
Spoofing Attacks

What is Web Spoofing?

Web pages are often targeted by hackers. They can be attacked in multiple ways with the aim of sending fake links to users, injecting malicious code or casting modified software to steal data. That is why when it comes to browsing you have to pay close attention to the sites we are visiting and how we act.

Web Spoofing is a type of attack in which basically a web page has been supplanted. Cyber-criminals create a website that pretends to be the real one but we are facing a false copy that seeks to deceive the victim.

By creating a page that pretends to be the original, you can gain the victim's trust. The goal is to make users believe that they are facing the legitimate site they were waiting for. You can copy the image, the structure of the page, the content you have ... Even the URL will be very similar to the original.

Logically they usually impersonate popular sites, which receive many visits and where users will have to enter data, trust when accessing third-party content, enter credentials and passwords ... In this way they will be able to carry out their attacks

How Web Spoofing Attacks Are Distributed

We may encounter this type of attack in various ways. We may receive an email supposedly from an organization or platform. It could even include your logo, name and other information. There we will find links to access that site and upon entering it takes us to this fake website.

The problem is that the victim may think that he is in the rightful place. As we mentioned the URL can be very similar, also the content of the site and the structure. They will have fake links, downloads that may jeopardize our security, logins with the aim of stealing passwords ...

Beyond email we can also reach these types of pages through other sites that have previously been attacked or that have been designed maliciously. Even through social networks or instant messaging platforms we can receive fraudulent links that sometimes come with some bait.

Keep in mind that we are not always going to reach these fake pages directly through the link, but sometimes they are hidden. They can hide them for example between words with a hyperlink. In this way they capture the attention of the victim who simply clicks on that link. They also often use shortened links, with the clear intention of hiding the actual URL. They can even create addresses very similar to the originals.

How to protect us from Web Spoofing attacks

Luckily, we can take into account a series of tools and tips to detect such attacks. In this way we will avoid falling into errors that compromise our security and privacy. We will give a series of recommendations and good practices.

Look closely at the URL

It is very important to observe the URL and its origin well. You have to look for small details that can be distinguished from the original address, see if it is HTTPS, that there is no letter or number changed, etc.

Normally they will seek to create a URL that is almost identical to the original. They can put some hyphen, change letters and numbers that may seem like "l" and "1", for example. In short, we must use common sense and see directions and their origin well.

Site content, password

Of course, the content of the site is essential. With this we mean to see the page in general, its structure, notice changes in front of the original, see the logos, images ... There may be signs that invite us to believe that it is a scam.

Security tools

Also, to avoid being victims of Web Spoofing attacks, it is important to have security tools. We are not only talking about an antivirus, but also other tools such as browser extensions that can detect possible fraudulent pages.

Search for information when in doubt

Finally, the best thing to doubt is to seek information. A simple Google search can tell us if that site is really true or there is something strange behind. It is very likely that there is a lot of information about it.