How to Protect Your Phone from Hackers and Cyber Attacks

Security is very important on mobile phones, where we keep countless files and contents that only we must have access to. On many occasions we have known news where hackers obtain private information through cyber attacks and to prevent this from happening to us, we offer you everything you should keep in mind to protect your mobile.

Each brand and model may be different from the previous one, for example in Xiaomi we find the most complete security application . However, all mobiles have points in common, the most important so that we do not get used to an unpleasant situation that exposes our information.

mobile phone security

Keep your mobile and apps updated

The main and most important thing is to keep our phone updated to the latest available version. We can check this by going to Settings> System> Updates, although it could depend on the version of Android or iPhone, we will check it by going to Settings> General> Software update. Having an outdated system can pose a serious security breach.

Actualización de Apple para iPhone y iPad

In addition to this, we must be aware that the applications also need their updates and we must carry them out from the application store , either the Google Play Store or the App Store. The process is simple and fast, a check that we must carry out at least weekly if we do not want to have automatic updates activated.

Antiviruses are not the solution

The need to protect our mobile from hackers and security can lead us to install an antivirus on our mobile, although the truth is that we do not need it. Both on Android and iOS, we have protection measures that are already applied on our devices and therefore installing an antivirus can only slow down our mobile without any other advantage.

Download applications only from Google Play or the App Store

proteger móvil hackers play store app store

If we only install applications in the official app store for each operating system, it will be practically impossible for any hacker to gain access to our information and thus we will be able to stay safe. It is the best protection measure that we can apply and follow.

Do not connect to public WiFi networks

It can be very tempting to connect to a public WiFi network when we are away from home when we do not have an Internet connection on our mobile, but this is the worst decision for our security. In case the WiFi network does not have bad intentions, it could be poorly protected, with minimum levels of security that serve as a bridge for hackers to our information.

wifi telefono

Another possibility is that the WiFi network is false and therefore by connecting to it freely, we are giving the hacker access. It is very difficult to know if a public WiFi network is really safe and for this reason, we recommend avoiding them as much as possible. It is preferable to ask a friend to share their own WiFi network with us and we will know that we are not taking any risk.

Use strong passwords

Each of the applications that we have on our mobile or websites that need user registration are based on a password that we do not always choose correctly. It is very important for our security that these passwords are based on basic principles that will protect our mobile from hackers and cyber attacks.

  • Do not use easy numbers to relate : In no case should we opt for the classic birthday or phone number, it is the easiest thing to find out.
  • Combine letters, numbers and special characters : This will make our password secure against possible attacks, adding extra security with capital letters.
  • Do not use the same password in several places : If for some reason our password is affected, it will also affect the rest of the services that use it.

Stay tuned for phishing

In recent times, phishing has exploded, becoming a great threat to our data. Through email, posing as our bank or other recognized means that request sensitive information. The measures to protect ourselves against this are based on staying vigilant about the aspect of the email, observing the sender of the email and asking in case of doubt.

phishing proteger móvil hackers

Security systems through email are becoming more advanced, but if for some reason phishing reaches our mobile, everything will depend on ourselves and our ability to identify the attack attempt. We should never give private information , bank accounts or passwords through our mobile phone, much less when we have not requested anything. When in doubt, it is best to call by phone and contact the corresponding bank or entity.

Control the permissions of your applications

Another security measure that we can take with the applications of our mobile has to do with access to the microphone, files or the camera. It is very important to keep controlled the accesses that we grant and to withdraw them at home so that it is not merely essential. Both in iOS and Android , security measures are becoming more stringent and allow us to adapt them to our needs.

Modify permissions on iPhone

The steps that we must follow in our iPhone to control the privacy accesses that we have granted to each application, we have to enter Settings> Privacy and access the permissions. By touching each of them, we can manually modify them to correct it and keep us safe.

Eliminar permisos microfono iphone

Change permissions on Android

The process to control the permission on Android mobiles is similar, we go to Settings> Applications and select one of them and then find out what they have access to. Within each of the sections we will be able to add permissions or remove them . We must bear in mind that it could generate problems and errors, having to return later to this same section to be able to use the applications correctly.

Eliminar permisos micrófono apps Android