How to prevent the mobile’s Bluetooth from turning on by itself

This type of connectivity is one of the most important connections, and present in all smartphones regardless of their price range. In addition, its standard continues to improve both in speed, as the stability or range of this is increasingly wide. The usefulness of this technology is beyond doubt, the bad thing is when this function insists on being enabled or activates itself without our permission.

prevent the mobile's Bluetooth from turning on by itself

Whether it’s connecting our favorite audio devices, activating the car hands-free or sharing files, this technology is still there and as fresh as the first day. The ideal when we are not using some type of connection, whatever it is, is to turn it off. In this case, if the Bluetooth turns on by itself , the only thing we will achieve is wasting a few precious milliamps from the battery, since the energy consumption of our terminal will be higher. In addition, we can leave our device exposed to possible security breaches, since, quite possibly, this connectivity of our device can be tracked by third parties.

Why is it activated by itself

One of the biggest drawbacks (more than a failure), associated with Bluetooth, is that it usually turns on by itself for no reason . Even when the user is sure they have turned it off, it is common to turn on the mobile and find the icon of this connection activated. Luckily, most of the cases respond to one of the following causes and therefore solutions, which we leave you below.

bluetooth movil

Check installed apps

The problem is detected many times when recent applications have been installed. You may have left your phone with your son for a while and he has filled it with games. In other cases, a previously installed app has been updated and may be the cause. In both cases, the app has access to Bluetooth and is activating it in the background . In this case we have two solutions:

  • Detect the responsible application : deleting it in order within Settings / Applications
  • Deny the access of this app to this connection : in case your access is not necessary. We can do this from Settings> Applications and then tapping on the application’s permissions. Next, we select the Bluetooth and tap on ‘Do not allow’.

Do you do automatic searches?

This is a very useful function, but if we have it activated it is normal that we find this connection activated from time to time. The ‘ Search for Bluetooth devices ‘ option allows applications and services to search for nearby devices at any time. This means that it will be in use, even after it has been turned off. The solution is as simple as disabling this option, found in the Connectivity settings.

bluetooth se activa solo

System problem

On many occasions, and apart from the above, that the Bluetooth turns on can only respond to an instability of the system . There are many software updates that correct errors related to this connectivity. To verify this, we must go to Google Play, click on ‘My applications’ and update all those that have pending patches. Likewise, we must go to Settings> System> System Updates and look for the pending ones. If we have any, we need to update to see if the problem goes away.

restablecer ajustes movil

The second solution is to try to clear the settings of the connections , which include Wi-Fi and Bluetooth . By doing so, we will clear the cache and previously configured devices, which may be causing the problem. To do this we enter Settings> Networks> Reset Network settings. After doing so, we will have to restart the mobile to and check if it stops turning on automatically.

Take a test

First of all, we can also carry out a quick test on the phone to find out if everything is correct in this connection or not. Within Google Play we will find different applications, but, in our case, we recommend the ‘ Device Info ‘ app in which it will offer us all kinds of information. To review the operation of Bluetooth we must go to the Tests section and choose this connectivity. At the end of the test, it will tell us if it works well or is bad.

How to fix it

After verifying that the Bluetooth still turns on by itself, it will be time to get down to work with the aim of forever solving this ‘heavy’ problem. To do this, we must try the following methods from our smartphone.

Reset network settings

One of the ways to solve this failure of this mobile connection will be by deleting the network settings, since it works many times. Basically, what we will do is go on to reset any configuration and undo the settings that, by mistake, could have caused the mobile to not recognize the headphones.

Restablecer ajustes de red

This tool can be found within Settings> System> Reset / Reset options> Reset network settings or Reset network settings . However, it can also be in Settings> Connections. Also, we will not lose any data, but we will have to re-pair the Bluetooth device again.

Restart the mobile

This option should also be one of the first tests that we will have to carry out and then check if the failure is solved. Basically, restarting the mobile will allow us to free the system cache thus eliminating compatibility problems. We will only have to press the power button and click on restart. Later, it will be time to check if we still have the same problem … Or, finally, it has been solved.

Restore it to its factory settings

If none of the above works, and before going directly to a technical service, we recommend trying to reset the system to factory settings. This forces us to put our personal data safely before making a backup copy, since everything will be erased from the smartphone.

After making the security backup, we must go to Settings> System> Reset to factory values / Reset phone or similar. Then, it will ask you for the password or PIN, then click OK and wait for the process to complete. Although, we recommend making a security backup, since you will lose all the data that you had stored in the terminal.