How to Play xCloud on iPhone and iPad: Requirements and Price

Despite the time it has taken, due to Apple‘s refusal to allow a native application within its App Store for iPad and iPhone, xCloud can finally be enjoyed on Apple mobile devices . We tell you how to do it and some more details that you will be interested in knowing.

xCloud is now official on iPhone and iPad

Play xCloud on iPhone and iPad
There is no doubt that if there were two devices where xCloud made perfect sense, these were the Apple iPad and iPhone. However, due to internal decisions of those that few of us understand, Apple did not allow a native application to be in its official store.

Not allowing the xCloud app in the App Store was due to a strategy to protect the company’s subscription gaming service, Apple Arcade, or simply a stubbornness by not being able to control what would happen within the app. Well, we don’t really know, but we do know that Microsoft found a way to bring the service to these devices.

In the same way that Amazon with Luna, its particular bet also in this streaming game, xCloud for Apple devices comes through the browser . So the only thing you will need on your iPhone or iPad to access xCloud is to have Safari. But let’s go step by step, so that you have everything clear and know what you are going to find.

What is xCloud

This is a basic thing and you may already know the answer, but let’s still talk about what exactly xCloud is . This is neither more nor less than a Microsoft streaming game service that should not be confused with Xbox Game Pass.

With Xbox Game Pass you download the different titles from the catalog to your PC or Xbox and they run like any other. The difference is that to have access to all that collection of titles you will only have to pay a monthly fee.

xCloud, however, makes use of Microsoft servers so that they are the ones that run the games and you only receive the video signal with which you can interact as if the game were running locally. So, logically, the first thing you need to enjoy xCloud is a good internet connection.

XCloud requirements on Apple devices

Any Apple devices with iOS and iPadOS version 14 or higher are compatible with the xCloud service. So you just have to have your iPhone or iPad updated and you can access the service through one of the supported browsers: Safari, Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

In addition to this, you will need a controller compatible with Xbox One that is connected through the USB connection or via Bluetooth. The latter is logically the most attractive option of all due to the freedom it offers. And because it will be much easier for many to take advantage of the gamepad that they may already have from consoles like Microsoft’s own Xbox.

It must be said that some games will be compatible with touch controls, so you can play them without the need for any accessories. But for now Microsoft has not offered any list of compatible titles or not, so it will be a matter of trying or waiting.

XCloud Game Catalog

Juegos Project xCLoud

Regarding the catalog of games available on xCloud, it must be said that they are increasing. Right now there are more than a hundred titles and among them there are very interesting proposals for many gamers such as Gears 5, Forza 7 and many others that will surely hook you from minute one.

So not only is it a great option for the casual gamer who wants something to have fun with on their Apple mobile devices when away from home or on the go and the idea of investing in a console doesn’t appeal to much, but for the more intense gamer who can enjoy great games wherever he goes.

How much does xCloud for iPhone and iPad cost?

xCloud is a paid service whose monthly subscription has a price of 12.99 euros per month . What’s more, you really pay for having access to Xbox Game Pass Unlimited.

Thanks to this payment that you will make every month, you will not only have access to the Xbox Game Pass game catalog on your iPhone or iPad, but also on your PC and console. In addition to other benefits such as Xbox Live Gold that in itself would already have a price of 6.99 euros per month. So not bad.

How to play xCloud on iPhone and iPad

For now, you have to know that to be able to play xCloud on iOS devices, you need to have access to the beta . This is something that Microsoft began to manage recently when it began the trial period in the rest of the platforms where it is available (PC and Android).

Of course, it is not the only essential requirement, also having an active Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription as we said before. From here, to play xCloud on an iPhone or iPad with version 14 of both systems or higher, the only thing you would have to do is the following:

  1. Visit the page
  2. Log in if you haven’t already done so
  3. Ready, you will directly access the service through the web interface

In the interface that xCloud loads through compatible browsers, you will be able to see all the available games that you can play remotely. Just select one, wait for the loading time and enjoy it.

As an interesting detail, something that Google Stadia could have already done is that it includes a search engine to make it even easier to find the exact game you want to play.

Final xCloud release date

With all this, the gaming experience with xCloud on Apple devices is similar to what we could already test on Android mobile devices. A very satisfying gaming experience that, while not always identical to that of consoles, is perfect for casual gamers.

Lastly, the final xCloud release date for everyone is expected by the end of this year 2021 . Even so, if you cannot access the beta, do not despair, because Microsoft has confirmed that it will open the possibility of testing the service to more users shortly.