Photoshop Tricks to Retouch and Enhance Summer Photos

Summer vacations are one of those times when we usually take more photos. We all always carry our smartphone in our pocket, which has one (or more) cameras to take photos with amazing quality. However, there are many factors that can influence the final quality of the photos we take with the mobile: light, shadows, movement, people … therefore, it is very easy that our photos do not turn out as we had imagined. Although, luckily, this has an easy solution.

Many times we usually take the photos we have taken and save them directly in the cloud or on the computer. And we almost always forget about them. However, we may have a wonderful photo that we want to print, or simply improve to make it much more beautiful. And in that case is when we must resort to Photoshop.

Photoshop Tricks to Retouch and Enhance Summer Photos

Adobe software is one of the most complete and professional to edit all types of photos . This program will allow us to make small adjustments to big changes in the photos. The result will depend on our tastes, what we want to do and, of course, our ability.

We are going to see some simple tricks for Photoshop , that we will all be able to do, that will allow us to improve the finish of our summer photos.

HDR effect for photos

HDR is a setting in which the exposure of the photo is automatically adjusted so as to find a balance between the most exposed areas and the least exposed areas. In other words, find a balance between the brightest and darkest areas.

Many mobiles usually do this automatically, and there are websites and specialized tools to do it. But if we want to have more control over this effect, we will have to apply it ourselves. And, with Photoshop, it’s really easy.

In a few minutes we can apply a professional HDR effect to any photo that will give it a professional finish.

Photoshop - Editar foto para añadir HDR - 16

Delete unwanted objects

How many times has it happened to us that, when taking a photo, something unwanted has already come out: an airplane in the sky, a person, a bird, a car … If we realize it, we can try to take the photo again. But it may not stay the same, or it may not have the opportunity.

With Photoshop we will be able to remove unwanted objects and parts from summer photos in several ways. One of the best results is the content-based filling. Simply select an object, press Shift + F5, and intelligently fill that selection with the rest of the photo content. The results can be surprising.

Lightroom - Comparativa original y editada

If Photoshop seems complicated to us, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom allows us to do the same, but in a much simpler and more intuitive way, although we will not be able to make other changes.

Add the “portrait effect” to non-portrait photos

Portrait photos are all the rage. These are the photos in which a main subject (a face, a person, an animal, an object, etc.) usually appears, and the rest of the photo, the background, appears blurred. Modern mobiles detect people and allow us to apply these effects automatically.

Distintos efectos de desenfoque en Photoshop

However, if we have a photo that does not have this effect, we will be able to easily blur the background with Photoshop so that we can give that “portrait effect” to any photo we have on the computer. Simply select the main subject (for example, with the subject selection tool), invert the selection and apply a type of blur to the photo.