“OK Google” Not Working: How to Fix it

Assistants have become a very popular tool on phones and on all Android devices we have the OK Google command which can sometimes give us problems. This in most cases is due to a configuration error and has nothing to do with microphone failures or other derivatives, making it possible to fix it one way or another.

"OK Google" Not Working: How to Fix it

To try to solve the errors of the Google assistant on our mobile we are going to carry out all the necessary steps. These can be followed on devices of the entry range, mid-range or high-end, without affecting the version of Android that we have on our smartphone. What is recommended is to have the latest version of Google, which will be reflected in the wizard, updating it from the Google Play store.

Fix OK Google on all mobiles

Set the language to understand you

The first adjustment that we must assess as our problem is the language, which is the origin of the problem in several Xiaomi phones if we have the region configured outside of Spain. To change this we will only have to open the wizard by holding down the start button or if we have the gestures activated by dragging from a corner. Once opened we slide up and our profile will appear in the upper corner.

okay google idioma

Then we choose the wizard tab and select the language section. In the event that Spanish does not appear, we will have to add it from the dedicated space. But with this it will not be enough, we must also continue to the following options.

Ok Google doesn’t recognize my voice

The problem may be in the configuration, a process that is carried out when we open our mobile and sometimes we can not dedicate the necessary time or do it in total silence. In order to fix this we will only have to follow the following steps so that the Google assistant works with our voice only.

  • We start from the wizard to enter your options by tapping on the profile photo at the top right.
  • We touch on the assistant tab and go down until we find the “Telephone” section.
  • Then we click on “Voice model”

Then we can save our Ok Google command again .

guardar voz okay google

Use the wizard with the screen on and off

Possibly our problem is that Ok Google only works with the screen on, something that is not very useful for example when we go in the car. To change this we will go back to the wizard and its options. Google Assistant> Profile> Assistant> Telephone and we will activate the option Ok Google that enables the option at all times of the assistant.

okay google pantalla apagada

The permissions that Google needs

Without having access to the microphone or storage, the Google assistant will not be able to fulfill its functions. So we must make sure before thinking of more serious problems that this could be our case. To check it and activate it if necessary, we will go to the settings of our smartphone and look for the applications or permissions section.

permisos okay google

Within the Google application we are going to click on the permissions and there we will have to activate it all if we want the Google assistant to work as it should.