Most Common Traps in Phishing attacks

Among all the threats and dangers we have when surfing the web, one of the most important problems is Phishing . As we know it is a technique by which hackers can steal our credentials and passwords. They use different baits to make the victim believe that they are facing something legitimate but in reality it is a trap. In this article we will talk about it. We will explain what traps cyber criminals can use and which we must be careful not to compromise our security.

Most common traps in Phishing

Phishing attacks represent one of the biggest security problems on the web today. They are very present at all levels and it is something that also puts companies at risk. They usually come through an email, but also through messages on social networks.phishing-traps

As we mentioned the objective of this type of attacks is to steal our credentials and passwords . They use different baits, traps or strategies as long as users sting and believe they are facing something legitimate. However, behind that form that we fill out, that password and user submission, is a hacker.

Problem with your account

One of the pitfalls used by hackers is to report a problem with our account . They send us a message, an email, where they tell us that there has been a failure and that the service will not work. For example, if we have an account on Netflix, they will tell us that we cannot access the service unless we do what they tell us.

Generally that message is accompanied by a link where we will have to log in to the account to solve the problem. Logically, this link is fraudulent and actually takes us to a form where we can put our data and they will go directly to a server controlled by cybercriminals.

Someone has entered with your user

It is also common to find a message that tells us that someone has entered the account with our user. This is especially present in social networks. Once again we are facing a scam that seeks to compromise our privacy.

The strategy is the same: make us log in through a fraudulent link . The problem is that our data, once again, is in danger.

El problema de seguridad del Phishing

You must update

Another trap widely used to carry out Phishing attacks is to report a supposed update . Sometimes they will tell us that we must update to solve a security problem. On other occasions they will simply say that there is a more updated version and that we will have improvements in performance.

Order or buy online

Nowadays it is very common to buy online . There are many platforms that we have at our disposal. That also makes hackers put their sights here. After all, they attack what can be most successful among users.

It is common to receive an e-mail informing us of a problem with our Amazon order, for example. They ask us to log in to resolve it, but in reality what we do is deliver our password to the attackers. They use very varied messages related to online orders or purchases.

You have a full inbox

One more strategy, another trap used for Phishing, is to indicate that our inbox is full. An e-mail arrives where they inform us that we have not been able to receive an email because there is no memory and that we can access it through a link sent to us. Once again we are facing another phishing attack that seeks our access credentials.

In short, these are some of the most common pitfalls in Phishing attacks. Methods that cybercriminals use and that can put our network security at risk. The important thing is always to use common sense and not compromise the information.