How to Spot AI-Written Text: Common Words Used by ChatGPT

As generative artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT continues to blend seamlessly into our daily tasks—ranging from crafting emails to drafting scientific documents—it’s crucial to recognize the nuances of AI-generated content. Despite the usefulness of AI in various professions, the challenge of distinguishing between human and AI-generated text remains contentious, with no foolproof method yet available.

However, recent research from AI Phrase Finder has shed light on potential linguistic clues that could indicate the presence of AI in text creation.

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The Linguistic Footprints of AI

AI-generated content often utilizes a specific set of vocabulary that can serve as tell-tale signs of its origin. According to a recent study, certain words and phrases have been identified as common markers in texts written by AI, such as ChatGPT. Here’s a breakdown of some key terms and their implications:

  1. Explore – Commonly used in phrases like “in this article we are going to explore,” this word suggests a structured and inquisitive approach typical of AI-written pieces.
  2. Captivate – AI tends to use this verb to engage readers, despite its relatively rare use in everyday writing.
  3. Tapestry – AI uses metaphors like this to enrich the text, for example, “We will guide you through the rich tapestry of Japanese culture.”
  4. Leverage and Embrace – These terms are often found in motivational contexts within AI texts, urging readers to utilize or accept ideas and opportunities.
  5. Resonate and Dynamic – Used to relate more directly with the reader, as in “In the dynamic world of online entertainment.”
  6. Deepening and Elevating – These words indicate an attempt to enhance the discussion or analysis within the text.

Practical Implications for Detecting AI Content

While the presence of these words alone doesn’t conclusively prove that a piece of content is AI-generated, their frequent use can be a strong indicator. Professionals and everyday users should be aware of these markers, especially in contexts where the authenticity of the authorship is crucial, such as in academic settings or sensitive communications.

The Future of AI Detection

As AI technology evolves, so too will the methods for detecting AI-generated content. Current apps and tools offer some assistance, but the development of more sophisticated detection algorithms is essential to keep pace with advancing AI capabilities. In the meantime, becoming familiar with the linguistic patterns typical of AI can serve as a helpful tool for those looking to identify AI-generated content.


Understanding the common vocabulary used by AI like ChatGPT can empower users to discern and evaluate the origin of the content they read. While we await more accurate detection technologies, these linguistic insights provide a valuable interim tool for maintaining integrity and transparency in written communication.