What is a monogram and when you should use this kind of logo

So, let’s see what we already have. Is it just the company name? No problem, this is enough to create a trademark. Moreover, you can even make it shorter. Let’s say up to one or three letters? Let’s see what the results will be.

What is a monogram?

designer working

A monogram is the so-called abbreviation of proper names, including company names, to one or, traditionally, three letters that are intertwined, overlaid, or simply arranged together to form a corporate sign.

Even in 350 BC monograms were actively used on Greek coins, then as shorthand for city names, on family coats of arms, military attributes and even on icons.

In marketing, the monogram has found its place on the logos of international and even legendary brands such as Louis Vuitton, Dolce and Gabbana, BMW, LG, Gucci, Chanel, etc.

If you want to join this eminent company and share the choice of your brand name with them, then let’s see if it will work in your particular case.

What kinds of business and why need a monogram?


To determine whether a letter logo can emphasize the merits of your company, it is necessary to examine the cases when it is the most effective option. If one of these points concerns you, then you can safely use a monogram.

To shorten company name

If your company name is too long, but every word in it is inviolable, then it is likely that you have two problems. First, such names spoil the look of the logo and are difficult to scale. Secondly, they are difficult to remember and uncomfortable to pronounce. Most likely, people will either come up with a “folk” reduction, or even will ignore you. In this case, the situation is regulated precisely by a monogram. In this way, you can maintain the length of the name, competently solve the problem of visual effect and contribute to remembering the brand.

Display the abbreviation name

Abbreviations and initials are needed when you need to create a personalized name without mentioning specific names, or we are talking about official structures and organizations which have names that cannot be shortened. But the abbreviation in the letter itself looks pretty ordinary and linear. To give it an interesting look and to make a concise sign from a combination of letters, the abbreviation is transformed into a monogram. Thus, the name will not simply be the text, but will form a complete corporate sign.

To convey the spirit of family business

Due to the ancient history of monograms and their involvement in ancient shrines, we still have respect for these symbols. Today, monograms are often used to decorate personal initials. Such a logo becomes a true family heirloom. The sign made of the binding capital letters of a personal name is called a monogram. This attribute of the founder of the company creates the effect of a centuries-old emblem of a noble dynasty of business owners. In this way, the brand will demonstrate the great story of your business.

To emphasize the international level of the company

Monograms are well recommended in the international arena. Such characters are easy to interpret in any language, as individual letters do not cause any problems in reading and pronunciation. Accordingly, remembering a monogram is quite simple. Therefore, such logos are considered to be international ones. If your business has international status, emphasize it with a laconic brand name with elaborately decorated letters that come from your company name.

Complete replacement of the icon with letters

The unwillingness to create a graphic symbol for your own company can be caused by a number of different reasons. First, picking a symbol appropriate for business is not an easy task. Secondly, the name of the company can be absolutely self-sufficient for the formation of the trademark. Third, this decision can be influenced by the personal preferences of the business owner. And there can be many reasons. Most importantly, the icon is absolutely not a necessary element of the brand. Text, and especially a monogram, may well take its place on the logo.

How to create a logo with a monogram?

big ideas

At first glance, a monogram seems like a very simple project. After all, we already know that we draw the same letters, and we do not need to invent a bicycle anymore. But sometimes it is easier to start from scratch than to finish something that is not finished. Therefore, the creation of a monogram must be approached with an understanding of the case. To do this, study the main aspects of its development.

Then go to the Logaster online service and try to practice your skills in the editor. Here you can create a logo and all the other components of corporate style (business cards, letterheads, website design, favicon, etc.) in 10 minutes.

Give the personality in several letters

A logo where every element is a necessary design tool should convey the character of the brand. When there are too few tools, it will be more difficult to cope with the task. No matter how many letters on your brand are, it only makes sense if it fits into the overall image of the company.

Font is the visual basis of a monogram

There are many ways to achieve visual appeal in an image. This function is performed by the font in terms of the text. Precisely selected typography will help the sign to reveal the essence of the company. Experiment with different font styles, use editors, or draw by hand until you find the one.

Several color options

Create one basic and several additional color variants of the logo. When choosing, follow the principles of the Color Theory and the combination of shades. If you do not want to create an atmosphere of childhood and peace of mind on the trademark, then we recommend you put the limit of the maximum two colors. Popular colors are black and white.

Experiment with shape and position

Besides the fact that the monogram has an intrinsic meaning and charm, which shows the solidity, professionalism, experience and status of the company, there is a more visible way to put an implication in such logo. Use letters or negative space between them to form an icon or silhouette that is appropriate for your business.

Where to use a monogram?

Create a plan for your advertising campaign, taking into account the budget and financial costs of printing and using a corporate monogram. This will help you decide what volume and type of branded products you can brand in your current financial situation. After all, the package of corporate elements can be of different sizes, based on the number of components. For example, it can be limited to business cards and website design, or incorporated into the design of each pencil, drink stand, bag or package. Set your priorities first. To do this, let’s take a closer look at where you can use a monogram.

As a logo

Replacing the traditional icon, the monogram fully fulfills all the functions of the company logo and finds its place on the same elements of branded products.

On printed matter

Business cards, letterheads, envelopes, flyers, labels, tags, labels, packaging, etc. – all printed corporate products should be branded with a logo

On web resources

Place the monogram on the landing page and the company’s page, as well as in the header of your corporate site. Decorate your social network profile pictures and don’t forget the favicon.

In interior branding

Your working interior will take look in a more professional way and will create an atmosphere of unity among employees if you use the logo instead of faceless decorations.

In outdoor and digital advertising

To reach your target audience faster and more effectively, actively use and promote your monogram in both outdoor and digital advertising.


As you can see, the name of the company is enough to form a complete brand. If this type of logo suits your company, then use new knowledge and bring it to reality right now.