5 Instagram Accounts About Technology for Tech Lovers

Instagram is riddled with accounts of all kinds that can cover such popular topics as lifestyle, photography, science, health and many more. Today we want to talk about a topic that, if you like the content we do in The Output, we are sure that it will seem very interesting to you. We want to show you some of the most curious Instagram accounts that talk about technology.

instagram technology

5 tech accounts you should follow on Instagram

The accounts that we are going to show you today are not a simple compilation of technology brands or Youtubers / Influencers that talk about technology. Among these accounts you will find designers , inspiration sources or concept creators that will surprise you and that we are sure you will want to continue to see their publications.

Minimal Setups ( @minimalsetups )

The first account that we want you to know is that of Minimal Setups , whose number of followers reaches three hundred and sixty-nine thousand users. In it, its creator @charliealdred posts minimalist setups (it’s the most common way of naming work / play zones in English) of all kinds. Among these photographs we will see the designers space, YouTubers play areas or photography studios. We can see first hand the teams that all these creators use to work and produce their content. A fabulous account if you want to be inspired to create a work area that is not only practical, but also very visual.

Dave Lee ( @ dave2d )

The following account is that of Dave Lee , a technological Youtuber who talks mainly about mobiles and computers on his networks and YouTube channel. The curious thing, and the main reason why we bring you this user, is not because of his number of followers, which amounts to one hundred and eighty-three thousand people, but because of the look his publications take. Dave, as well as content creator on YouTube, is a graphic designer and this is evident in every image he uploads to his Instagram account.

Underground Record Label ( @computerloveredords )

The Undergroud Record account is really that of a record label in Los Angeles that publishes photographs of well-known and not-so-well-known retro tech gadgets. We can see from an educational robot that worked with cartridges, concepts of Apple computers prior to its first releases or, even, the photograph of a 1981 advertisement in which you can see the storage and price of hard drives from back then . A very varied content and that, if you are a lover of vintage technology, you will surely enjoy taking a look at its publications.

ZoneOfConcepts ( @zoneofconcepts )

The next user is Zoneofconcepts who, rather, is a part of the company ZoneOfTech: a YouTube channel that talks about technology in general and shows the concepts of mobiles, gadgets and computers that are later published in Zoneofconcepts.

Among the images that he uploads to his Instragram account we can see concepts of future gadgets such as the Apple Tile, video consoles such as the PS5 or a render of what is supposed to be the next Oneplus 8 according to the leaks that are known so far.

Gadget Flow ( @gadgetflow )

Another very interesting account is the Gadget Flow account . In this profile they collect the latest equipment, accessories and crowdfunding campaigns on technology to make them known to the world.