Ideas and Crafts on Pinterest: Geek Selection

Pinterest is a perfect place to search for inspiration of all kinds, but especially it is a place where makers are able to find really striking ideas because there is practically everything. From creating a projector for your mobile to an arcade or a good setup. Pinterest is undoubtedly the cradle of crafts .

The paradise of crafts

crafts pinterest
Every time we talk about Pinterest we say it, it will not be the social network with the most active users or the one that generates the most traffic, but it is a very interesting place and one that can be used to great advantage. What’s more, it can even be a source of income if you take advantage of its possibilities.

But now we are going to focus on everything that can contribute to creative makers and users who are looking for new projects or ideas, even for those who would not mind getting down to work to improve their work or leisure space.

So, we have put on the diving suit and immersed among its thousands of results to find projects and the odd curiosity.

Improve your recording studio

If you like everything related to audio and video recording, because you have a YouTube channel, a Podcast or you do your first steps in the world of music, you will know that doing it in a suitable environment is essential.

Sections like the one in the image are easier to control and solve, but those that concern the sound are something else. Eliminating rebounds and reverberations is not easy. But without the need to make large investments, these results can be improved.

For example, on Pinterest you have how to make your own acoustic diffusers . A frame, foam, some fabric and voila. Although if you want to go a little further, you can also set up a home recording studio , up to a soundproof booth. But for that you are going to need a spacious room. Or pull wit and do something lighter but effective too.

New air for your work and leisure space

Whether your workplace or leisure, on Pinterest you also find very simple ideas to improve that space. A simple search like setup or Home Office and you already have a multitude of spaces among which you will surely find inspiration.

Of course, if you get more hacks for furniture , like those from Ikea, you will also see a multitude of links with ideas to give a different touch to furniture that just never occurred to you that could be useful in your bedroom, home theater, etc.

Although we admit that one of our favorites is this folding work tables . Ideal if you need a side table that you can mount or not at your whim.

Custom lighting

Lighting is another key aspect of the home and although you may already have ideas, surely there is always something you can discover. For example, to illuminate areas of the house or furniture that you did not know how to do before.

You can also create a lamp with an industrial design for your desk, or lights to record videos at home without spending a lot of money on a more professional light. Sometimes this type of DIY projector creatively solves the lack of financial means.

How to create a projector for the phone

The little ones in the house will surely like this, how to create a projector for the mobile phone. A simple cardboard box and a magnifying glass are enough, although you can go further and use a wooden box and a camera lens to gain image quality.

In one way or another, with these types of mobile projectors you can have a 60-inch screen with which, in your room and with the help of a bluetooth speaker, you will surely enjoy those movies that they like while you can do it. with yours in the living room at home.

Speaker and passive amplifier

Amplificador pasivo smartphone

Just like with the projector, if you want to improve the listening experience of your smartphone and you do not have a speaker at hand, make your own passive amplifier . There are many ways to do it, from using a simple glass to creating something more sophisticated.

Here you are the one who chooses, but since you wear it, do something like what you can find on Pinterest. Not only will it help you to listen to your music or podcasts at a higher volume, it can also serve as a decorative piece. You can even work it a little more and use it as a charging base.

Arcade machine

If there is a quintessential DIY project for the most geeks, it’s the arcade machine . Some plans, some woods, patience and together with a Raspberry Pi you can create your own Arcade.

Although attentive, if you have a Switch and want to use it as if it were an arcade, look at these machines that some users have created. With that perfect hole to insert one of the Joy Con.

Pinterest may be your new favorite search engine

As you can see, Pinterest is a place that you know when you go in but maybe not when you are going out. The amount of links, ideas and inspiration you can find is brutal.

Therefore, take a look and start looking for those topics that interest you the most. As you use more related terms more interesting may become the results and recommendations . But what has been said, if it becomes a black hole for your productivity, do not say that we did not warn you.