HTTP and Java Based Attacks On the Rise

There are many varieties of malware that we can see on the Internet. We constantly see news related to a new attack, a new strategy used by hackers to steal information or infect computers. In this article we look at the current malware landscape and how HTTP and Java based script attacks have increased.

HTTP and Java based attacks on the rise

According to a report showing the latest available data, corresponding to the second quarter of 2020 , there has been a significant escalation of HTTP and Java-based script attacks.

HTTP and Java Based Attacks On the Rise

During these months there have been methods of attack that have increased considerably, while others have lost their presence. If we talk about presence, HTTP-based attacks represent 34%. This leaves systems that are not prepared to analyze incoming traffic exposed to one third of all attacks.

On the other hand, among the main malicious programs are some based on JavaScript . These types of attacks often take advantage of outdated browsers that load pages from unknown resources. Furthermore, Excel files are also widely used by attackers.

However, as good news we can say that encryption attacks were down 64% compared to the first quarter. Although this is in contrast to the HTTP attacks that took a significant leap despite the fact that even many organizations improved HTTP inspection in their security intelligence.

Secuestran los DNS del router

More evasive tactics

This same report indicates that hackers are changing strategies to infect systems. There has been an 8% decrease in registered malware attacks. However this may be because cybercriminals are using more evasive tactics to achieve their goals undetected.

Many of the tools for detecting malware are signature-based. It basically means that they will detect malicious software as long as they have been previously registered.

It is a reality that security tools, antivirus, have improved a lot in recent years. We have at our disposal a wide range of possibilities. However, cybercriminals have also improved a lot in the way they avoid detection and reach their goal.

As we can see, within all the strategies and types of malware used by attackers, those that are based on HTTP and Java have increased during the second quarter of 2020. It is very important that we always take measures to avoid being victims of security problems that are in the network and that can affect all types of operating systems and devices.

Something basic is always to have security tools, but as we have seen, they will not detect threats every time. It is therefore essential to keep the equipment updated and with all the security patches installed, as well as common sense. Many types of attacks require user interaction. They need those mistakes that can be exploited to take control of the teams.