How to use morse code from the mobile keyboard

One of the oldest communication methods that exist is the Morse code, which was developed in 1837. Although many years have passed since then and now we have many more possibilities that are fast and simple, this system can be useful and interesting, especially if we do not want anyone to understand what we are talking about with another person.

That is why from our own smartphones we are able to speak through this system based on lines and points . Obviously anyone who does not shop, will not know what our mobile says no matter how much they try to gossip. If in your case you don’t understand the Morse alphabet either, don’t worry because this will take us to learn it with some practice and a little skill.

use morse code from the mobile keyboard

Activate morse code on Android

To put the keyboard in question to work from our mobile, it is not necessary to have any specific version of Android, brand or model of mobile, since it is compatible with all the customization layers in Android. The only thing that we are going to need is to have the appropriate keyboard and that allows us to enjoy this benefit, which is called Gboard and possibly your smartphone already has it.

As standard, the Google Pixel Motorola, Xiaomi, OPPO and Realme offer it to us, but if it is not the keyboard that comes with your mobile phone, do not worry because you can get it. You just have to enter the following button what we share with you and download Gboard from the Google Play store, and then follow the simple configuration steps that will be shown on the screen to get it to work.

Once we have the keyboard on our smartphone, it is time to go to an app where we can write, it does not matter if it is the one with notes or we imitate that we are going to send an SMS. Once the access to Gboard is displayed, we have to follow these steps to configure the keyboard in morse code and start using it:

código morse android

  • We click on the app as if we were going to write.
  • When the keyboard unfolds, we choose the adjustment wheel at the top of it.
  • We tap on the Languages option that appears at the top and choose “Add keyboard”.
  • We have to search the entire list where it says: English (US)
  • Once inside and being sure that we are in the option for the United States, we move all the keyboards to the last option, where it will be to choose the keyboard in morse code.
  • Once confirmed, we go out and the keyboard will be configured along with the rest of the languages that we have on the smartphone.

But as you can see, you still cannot use the morse alphabet to send your messages and the classic keyboard always appears. This is because it requires us to choose it, a simpler final process. In this case, all you have to do is keep your finger pressed on the space bar and a panel will open with all the available keyboards.

código morse gboard

The more languages we have configured, the more options we will see. Among them will be the new morse keyboard that will allow us to find the only two elements we need to use this universal code. As you can see, its operation is not easy without any type of knowledge.

And on the iPhone?

Unlike what happens in Android mobiles, in iOS the default keyboard does not allow us to use morse code . This forces us to resort to Gboard again, but this time with a download that we have to do from the App Store. Even if the operating system changes, the steps to start the morse code on the iPhone is identical, so we will touch on the options, choose the English language of the United States and then activate this system.

iphone en mano

Google teaches us the morse code

Since it is a complex system to use if we have not been taught it before, Google offers us from the following website everything we need to know to use Morse code on mobile . Once we access the website, it will give us the instructions that we have already completed and that give us the way to install Gboard, as well as the morse code configuration, so you can go to point 3 directly and start.

codigo morse juego

The system is very entertaining and entertaining, since they not only take into account the writing, but also the characteristic sound of the Morse code . We recommend using it in a quiet moment at home, so that you can concentrate and gradually learn the writing system and learn the writing system that the telegraph previously offered through sound, but now that we are in the XXI century to via the keyboard of smartphones.

As we progress, they will offer us less facilities and if they do not respond in a few seconds they try to give us clues on the screen to facilitate the process.

Is it useful on a day-to-day basis?

Once we have mastered the writing system, which is based on a combination that we must memorize of lines and points , we can go on to know the rest of the letters that we have yet to learn and numbers in case we need them. We show you below the complete list of resources, which you can also open on the morse keyboard by tapping on the question mark in the lower left corner.

letras codigo morse gboard

And we will only have to go to WhatsApp or Telegram to talk to a friend using the morse code. Google’s own keyboard will be in charge of transforming our lines and points into characters that the other person will be able to understand and will help us to complete the message with the suggestions.

codigo morse movilzona android

If at any point we make a mistake, we can delete the message as we normally would. So that no one can understand the message, we will have to give the Morse code once we know all the combinations, worse without this helper that transforms it into characters of the current alphabet and thus only you will understand the message or whoever really knows Morse.