How to Block a Domain from Being Stolen

Something fundamental in a web page is to protect security. Prevent intruders from accessing, injecting code or compromising the proper functioning in any way. One of the most important dangers is that they directly steal the domain . It basically consists of making a transfer in your name as if the legitimate user had approved it.

What does it mean to block a domain

To prevent our domain from being stolen and ending up in the power of someone else, one thing we can do is block it . To carry out a domain transfer, a series of circumstances must occur. The first thing, logically, is to have access to that domain. You must also have held the property for a specified time, depending on the extent. Also, you need a code called AuthCode.

Block a Domain from Being Stolen

But one more issue that must be present is that that domain is unlocked. This means that it can be transferred . If a web domain is blocked, we could not directly transfer it despite having the requirements that we have mentioned.

Therefore, we can say that blocking a domain is a process by which the person responsible for that page is guaranteed to protect it and prevent it from being transferred. If at any given moment you are interested in doing it, you would simply have to comply with the points that we have indicated and unlock it.

Both blocking and unblocking a web domain is a very simple process. We can carry it out from the hosting that we have contracted. There we will find the corresponding function for it and we can block or unblock it at any time.

How to block a domain from being stolen

We are going to explain how we could block a domain to prevent it from being transferred or stolen . The process will depend on the hosting we have hired, but the steps are basically the same. It is something simple and fast.

The first thing we have to do is enter the hosting that we have contracted. To do this, logically, we have to know the access data and the password. Once we are inside, we must go to the Domains section, which usually appears at the top, next to Hosting, Billing, Support and the like.

In Domains we will have to choose the one that interests us, in case we have several. You just have to click Manage (it can also appear in Settings, Configuration, etc.). In this way we will enter into the different aspects that we can carry out in the domain, such as renewing it, viewing the data, obtaining the AuthCode … One of those sections is precisely that of Blocking / unblocking a domain .

Bloquear un dominio web

Once we are inside, we will automatically see a button to block or unblock the domain. It will indicate the current state in which it is and we would simply have to change it in case we are interested.

Blocking a domain is best for security

Many users may wonder what is the most advisable for our domain, whether to have it blocked or unblocked . Even the hosting itself will indicate that the most recommended thing is to have the domain blocked until we need otherwise.

If our domain were unlocked and there was an intruder who took over the necessary information, it could be transferred to their property. This would mean that we would lose total control over that page. Basically it means that it passes from owners.

Therefore, to avoid problems that may affect security and compromise domain ownership, it is best to always have it blocked. If at any time we intend to transfer the domain, we would simply have to follow the steps that we have explained and check the Unblock domain option so that it was available at that time and transfer it.

In any case, whatever option we choose, we can always revoke it. We can always re-lock the domain easily in case we have unlocked it or vice versa.

Ultimately, blocking a web domain is important to preserve security . It is one more way that we can take into account to avoid problems that may affect us. Specifically, we prevent it from being transferred. We have seen how we can both block and unblock it from our hosting.