How much heat can humans bear?

We’ve all heard of hypothermia, which is what happens when a human’s body loses more heat than it is capable of producing, due to extremely cold conditions. However, the same thing can happen the other way around in conditions where there is extreme heat, since the human being also has a limit of heat that he can withstand. We tell you what that limit is in this article.

Now that we are in August we are going to see how the thermometer reaches high temperatures in most of the territory of our country. During these days it will not be strange to see in some places temperatures above 40 degrees , a temperature that is difficult to bear and can even be dangerous if one is exposed to it for a long period of time. But, is this the maximum temperature that we can resist?

How much heat can humans bear

The human being endures high temperatures

The first thing we must take into account when talking about how much temperature a human being can withstand is the average body temperature that we usually have. This body temperature is usually between 36 and 37.5 degrees , although the human being is better able to withstand a decrease in this temperature than an increase in it. In fact, from a body temperature of 43 degrees, the proteins in our body stop working, which will cause death.

This body temperature has nothing to do with the outside temperature that a human being can withstand. Human beings are capable of withstanding temperatures well above these, albeit for a short period of time. The maximum heat that humans can withstand will depend on many factors (since not all humans have the same tolerance to heat), but it is estimated that a well-prepared and hydrated human can withstand 55 degrees .

grafeno disipar calor ordenador

We must bear in mind that the highest temperature we can withstand depends on other factors, with humidity being the main one . The more humidity there is in the environment, the greater the difficulties in withstanding high temperatures. In other words, it would be impossible to maintain health in a situation with 55 degrees and high humidity.

Now, we must bear in mind that the heat strokes that some people usually suffer in summer are not caused by exposure to a very high temperature at a given time, but rather occur when there is a thermal “stress” of several days. which leads the human body to have a very high temperature for a long period of time. A well-hydrated person should not have any problems holding out at 40 degrees, which is why all the authorities recommend that in summer we do not stop drinking water.

Tips to fight the heat

As we say, during this month of August we are going to have to cope as best we can with the high temperatures that are going to occur in Spain. It is very important to be well hydrated throughout the day , but this is not the only thing we can do to safeguard our health against the heat. Here are some tips that you can apply to take care of yourself in the best possible way in these high temperatures:

  • Avoid staying in the sun during the hottest hours

It is very important that you try to go outside as little as possible during the hours of the sun, that is, from 12 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon . These hours are the hottest, so they are undoubtedly the most dangerous.

  • Be very careful with sports

Sport can be very dangerous because it increases sweating and therefore dehydration of our body. Try to play sports in the early hours of the morning or at night when it is already a little less hot.

  • take a shower with lukewarm water

Taking a cold shower can be a very good remedy to nip the heat in the bud, but it also increases your body temperature. Ideally, shower with slightly warmer water.

  • Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables

We have already told you that it is very important that we are hydrated during the summer, but drinking water is not the only thing we can do for it. Vegetables and fruit are foods that contain a lot of water, so increasing your intake this summer can be key.

  • Wear light clothing that allows perspiration

Perspiration is the main mechanism that our body has to cool itself, and wearing clothes that do not allow it can be very bad for our health. The ideal is to wear light clothes that allow it, something that will substantially alleviate the sensation of heat.