How to Encrypt and Decrypt Texts with AES for Free and Without Installing Anything

Encrypt and decrypt texts easily

On some occasions we may find ourselves with the need to send text in an encrypted way to protect it from being seen by another unauthorized person. The symmetric encryption algorithm par excellence is AES, and we can encrypt a text easily and online with different totally free tools, without having to install any program on our PC, we will only need a web browser and Internet connection to perform the operation. data encryption and data decryption. Today in this article we bring you the best online tools to easily encrypt and decrypt texts.

What use are these tools to encrypt texts for?

If you want to send encrypted information from a source to a destination, you can use various methods such as using PGP, creating a container with VeraCrypt and copying the text file inside it, or directly using offline tools such as OpenSSL to encrypt files from text. If you want to encrypt and decrypt texts through online tools in a simple way, you will also be able to do it.

Encrypt and Decrypt Texts with AES for Free

The objective of these totally free and online tools will allow us to encrypt an entered text, and by configuring different key lengths, encryption modes and the private decryption key, we will obtain a fully encrypted text that we can share with anyone we want. If we apply the original private key to this ciphertext, the same encryption mode and algorithm, we will be able to retrieve the readable information easily and quickly.

The best free online tools to encrypt and decrypt texts

In this article we are going to offer you a list of totally free tools to encrypt and decrypt texts, we will only need to access the official website of the tool, and complete the different fields available to adapt the symmetric AES encryption to our configurations (private key, initialization vector IV, encryption type, key length and also encryption mode).

AES Encryption

To start using AES Encryption we must access its main web page, where we will find a simple interface to enter the text and encrypt the content, although we can also decrypt it in the same interface by simply entering the password.

Its use is very simple. As we can see, we have 4 elements in the encryption box:

  • Box to write the text that we want to encrypt or decrypt.
  • Box to enter the encryption key. The longer and more complicated the key, the more secure the encryption.
  • Key length selection panel (128 bits, 192 bits or 256 bits).
  • Buttons to encrypt a text or decrypt it as we need.

In the text box we must enter the text that we want to encrypt and below the key with which we are going to encrypt it. We will click on the «Encrypt» button and below we will be able to see our encrypted text.

We will send this text to the person to whom we have to send it together with the encryption password. It is advisable to send both elements separately and, if possible, the encryption password by a secure means to prevent it from being intercepted.

To decrypt it, we will copy the text in the text box on the AES Encryption website and enter the encryption key. We will click on the «Decrypt» button and at the bottom it will show us our decrypted text. At the bottom of the AES Encryption website we can see the source code for all those users who want to analyze it to verify that, indeed, it is a secure encryption that will be far from the reach of the NSA and they may also implement it on other websites or services easily.

Devglan AES Encryption and Decryption Online Tool

This tool is somewhat more advanced than the previous one, it will allow us to enter clear text in a text box, or click on “Browse” to load a text file. Next, we must enter the following information:

  • Encryption mode: ECB or CBC
  • Key length: 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit
  • Secret password

Once all the data has been entered, we can export the output of the encrypted text in BASE64 or Hexadecimal format, this output will appear just below where it indicates “AES Encrypted Output”

In the case of wanting to decrypt the information, we will have to do just the opposite process, we will introduce the encrypted text in BASE64 or Hexadecimal, we define the encryption mode that we have used previously, the key length and also the secret key that we have used. Once done, we click on «Decrypt» and we will be able to see the original message in clear text.

Javainuse AES Generator

This online tool is also quite advanced, we will have to enter the plain text and then we will choose the following parameters:

  • Encryption mode: ECB or CBC
  • Key length: 128-bit, 192-bit, or 256-bit
  • Initialization vector if you use CBC of 16 characters if you use 128 bits, 24 characters if you use 192 bits and 32 characters if you use 256 bits.
  • Secret password
  • Output in Base64 or Hexadecimal format

Once this is done, we will click on the “Encrypt” button and the entered text will be encrypted.

To decrypt the information, we will indicate the encrypted text in Base64 or Hexadecimal format, the rest of the configuration options that we will have to enter are exactly the same as before, the encryption mode, key length, initialization vector if you use CBC and also the secret key. Once everything has been entered, we click on «Decrypt» and it will return the plain text to us.


This online tool is really interesting and very easy to use, the first thing we will have to do is select the encryption that we want. We can use 128-bit, 192-bit and 256-bit AES, in addition to all the encryption modes such as CBC, XTS, CTR, ECB and even GCM and more, in addition, we can also make use of other symmetric encryption algorithms that are not AES , like Blowfish, Camellia.

Once we have chosen the encryption, we will have to enter the plaintext in the box on the left along with the encryption key. In the case of having the encrypted text, we will have to put it in the box on the right, and also enter the decryption key in this case. At the bottom we will find the corresponding “Encrypt” or “Decrypt” buttons to encrypt or decrypt the information.

This tool is one of the most useful and fastest that we can find, in addition, the possibility of choosing between different symmetric encryption algorithms is a very positive point.


This tool is also really complete, we can enter the information in text format directly, and even in Bytes in Hex and Bin format. In the “Encode” or “Decode” section is where we will have to enter the symmetric encryption information. In this case, we can choose between the following options:

  • Block encryption (you can choose another type)
  • Algorithm: AES-128 or AES-256
  • Encryption mode: CBC or CTR
  • Decryption key in hex
  • Initialization vector in hexadecimal

In this case, you will have to use a hexadecimal converter to enter the encryption / decryption key and the initialization vector.

Although this tool is a great alternative, we believe that the added complexity of using Hex makes us prefer to use other tools over this one.

Toolnb AES

This free tool will also allow us to encrypt and decrypt data with AES. In the left box we will enter the plaintext or encryption, then we will enter the encryption key, the initialization vector, the type of encryption (AES-128, AES-192 or AES-256), and also the mode encryption (CBC, CFB, ECB, OFB etc.), and once we have completed it, click on the “AES Encryption” or “AES decryption” button.

This tool is also very useful for testing encrypted and decrypted texts.

As you have seen, today we have a large number of options to encrypt texts online and for free with AES and other symmetric encryption algorithms. Depending on our needs and the tests, we can choose some tools or others, depending on the available configuration options and their possibilities.