Common Forms of Cyber Attacks that Users Are Unaware of

There are many strategies cybercriminals follow to sneak malware onto devices. Many types of attacks that have the ultimate goal of compromising the security and privacy of users. Now, there are some methods that are more present. In this article we are going to see what are the most common forms of attacks to infect computers and that even users do not realize it and make mistakes.

Most common ways of getting infected without realizing it

In many cases, users make mistakes that can compromise the security of their computers. Failures when browsing, when using some type of device or program, connecting to insecure networks … In short, small errors that sometimes go unnoticed but could represent a major problem.

Cyber Attacks

Hackers can take advantage of precisely these non-serious flaws. They take advantage of those insecure programs that we use, of that open network to which we connect, they use email to try to sneak malware …

All this makes it very important to know the most common ways of infecting computers that we often do not realize. In this way we will be more protected to avoid putting our equipment and systems at risk.


One of the most common ways to sneak malware is through email . Sometimes we do not realize it and when we open an e-mail that we receive and that has an attached file such as Word or Excel, we execute it.

Cybercriminals use precisely these types of files to infect computers without the victim being aware of it. They can also carry out Phishing attacks to try to steal passwords and ultimately achieve their goal of gathering information.

Website clicks

It is also very common for users to become infected simply by clicking on websites that are in turn a threat. We may arrive at a page that has been maliciously modified to alter the links and by clicking on one of them we may compromise our data.

This can go unnoticed. We may enter a legitimate page that has been previously attacked and we do not know it. Hence the importance of always having security tools and maintaining common sense.

Pop-up windows

Pop-up windows are very typical when surfing the net. Sometimes they are simply annoying, they show us advertisements and we have to close them when entering websites. At other times, they can be a real threat and malware could sneak onto our computers simply by clicking on it and it automatically downloads a file.

Open networks

Nowadays it is very common to connect to wireless networks. Most devices are Wi-Fi compatible and this allows you to be connected almost anywhere. Now, the problem comes when we connect to an open network, a public Wi-Fi , which is in the hands of cybercriminals.

These types of networks can be used to steal information and even access the victim’s systems. Victims usually do not realize that they are connected to a network which is actually a problem for their privacy.

Software download

This is a classic. We download some kind of software from the Internet and we don’t know if it contains malware. Once we install it, we may experience system problems, which in turn install another malicious program and cause the computer to malfunction.

USB sticks

Finally, something also very common are USB memories. In this case it may happen that we go to a copy shop to print, for example. Also that we leave someone a pendrive to pass us a file.

This memory may be infected with some type of malware and we are unknowingly plugging it into our computer.

Ultimately, these are some of the most common forms of attack that can occur without us noticing. It is important to always keep the equipment updated and properly protected so as not to have problems of this type.