Cappuccino: Application to Read News Feed on Mac

If you’re one of those who enjoys staying informed, you probably won’t find anything better than having a good morning coffee accompanied by the main news of the day. And what coffee? Well, a Cappuccino. This is also the name of the macOS application that we are going to talk about, an interesting news feed to always be aware of everything.


What is Cappuccino: Price and availability

As we have already said, Cappuccino is an RSS application that allows you to collect the main news from your favorite media on your Mac. It has several functions, among which are its two display modes or being able to sort everything by categories to make it more functional. We will see all this later.

Cappuccino Mac App Store

Cappuccino is not a free application, since it is priced at 9.99 euros in the Mac App Store. Considering this price fair or not already responds to the perception of each one and that, we hope, you can value after reading this article. For us it is highly recommended and it should also be noted that if you have the Setapp service contracted, it is one of the applications included in the package.

Simple and comprehensive interface

This application stands out for having a simple as well as intuitive interface. We have everything at hand and no specific knowledge is required to use it, even if it is the first RSS feed we use. It has a split view with a left sidebar in a grayish tone in which to see the different folders. Another small light color bar for the view of the different news and finally, on the right, the main part of the application: the news reader. It is in this view that you can see the different news.

Cappuccino Mac


In the first of the bars, in the folder, we find several prominent sections:

  • All: where all the news are grouped, regardless of the category and medium to which they belong and whether they have been read or not.
  • Unread: place where all the unread news is gathered, which disappear after being seen for the first time.
  • Today: part where we find the news of the day, eliminating those that have passed to an earlier date.
  • Highlights: here we can save all those articles that we have marked with this label, either to read later or to have it at hand whenever we need it.
  • Add: part in which we must enter the RSS feed of the web page that we want to enter in the application to read the news they publish.

It should be noted the possibility of having in this part custom folders and subfolders . In this way we can have our feed more organized as if it were a newspaper.

Item bar

We are now in the central bar of Cappuccino, where the headlines and a brief introduction of each one will appear. The way to access them is simple, since it will only be necessary to click on one of the folders in the left bar to find the news in it.

We can move around here with both the mouse and trackpad and the keyboard arrows, so that navigation is much more comfortable. If we right click on any news we will have the possibility to mark them as unread, as outstanding, share it through other services or access the news with the browser.

News display

On the right side of the interface is where the main part of this application resides, which is none other than reading news. Cappuccino offers two types of view that you can vary depending on your taste or specific need of the moment.

At the top right you will find an adapted view in which to focus purely on the content and removing deterrents from reading. The other option allows you to see the news as it was published in the original medium, with the same design and functions, being a kind of mini web browser to view the portal. However, by pressing the button on the right you can directly open the news link in your default macOS browser.

On the other hand, on the left side you have a star-shaped button to mark an article as highlighted . This same button will serve to unmark it.

Perhaps one of the drawbacks that can be put in this section of display is that it does not have a dark mode , which can be more comfortable for the eyes on many occasions. Not even having macOS dark mode activated can be configured, although there is a “solution” with one of the application’s topics and that we will see in the next section.

Other settings

If we go to the toolbar at the top, we can go to Cappuccino> Preferences and find various tabs with other settings that are not predefined in the interface.


General Cappuccino

  • Theme: it has a drop-down list in which to choose the theme that we like the most to read the news, finding different fonts and colors. The so-called “Mocha” is the one that will allow us, in a way, to have a dark mode, although it is still a brown color very much in keeping with the style of coffee to which the name refers.
  • Feed selected when opened : it is possible to choose “All” or “Last selected”.
  • Feed update interval:
    • Never
    • When opening
    • Each minute
    • Every 5 minutes
    • Every 15 minutes
    • Every 30 minutes
    • Hourly
  • Dock icon: if we want it to appear in this place and also count the number of unread articles in a balloon.
  • Article: if we want to be able to always see the full article.
  • iCloud – to sync with iCloud and receive notifications.


Notificaciones Cappuccino

It allows you to choose whether or not we want to receive notifications with each new article. It highlights the possibility of receiving a daily newsletter by email as a newsletter with relevant news from those media that we have previously chosen.

Advanced and iOS App

Avanzado Cappuccino

In the first of them we find a single option to remove caches from websites . On the other hand we find the possibility of accessing the download link of the Cappuccino application on iOS and iPadOS, where it also offers its services with an interface adapted to the mobile and tablet format.

So is Cappuccino worth it?

Again we turn to stick to the perception of each and the use that may come to make of this application. We particularly love having the possibility of bringing together various media in a single application, being able to see at a glance all those daily news that seem relevant to us. In short, it is a way to save time by having to go to each medium and navigate between its web portals. In addition, it must be said that this will not create any problem for the editors of these portals, since feed readers like this have been the order of the day for many years and despite the fact that they have reached their peak, some like this Cappuccino They make them remain tremendously attractive.

Download Cappuccino