What is Browser Hijacking and How to Avoid it

Many of the main security problems that affect our devices come through the browser. After all, it is one of the main tools at the software level that we use to connect to the network. We can visit many websites, make use of extensions and plugins, enter platforms … Not everything is safe and that is something that we must take into account. In this article we are going to explain how they can hijack our browser and what we can do to avoid it. It is one of the most dangerous problems we face.

How they can hijack the browser

This is something that can affect any browser that we are using. We already know that there are many options that we have at our disposal, many varieties available for all types of devices and operating systems. However, in all cases , security problems may arise that affect us.

Browser Hijacking and How to Avoid it

By hijacking the browser we mean to achieve control of it. To be able to access the information we store (user names, passwords, browsing history …), as well as modify connections, change the home page, control the installed extensions … In short, have control over the browser to be able to carry out attacks such as theft of information.

We can recognize that our browser has been hijacked through changes in the design, such as seeing that additional bars have been added, the default search engine has been changed, we have installed extensions that we do not know, etc.

Now how does this happen? The truth is that there is not a single reason, but there are different types of attacks, vulnerabilities and threats that can end in the browser hijacking.

Fraudulent extensions

One of the causes of browser hijacking is the use of fraudulent plugins . We already know that we have a large number of extensions at our disposal. Many types of accessories that can help us in our day to day and that are useful.

Now, keep in mind that not all extensions are going to be secure. We may come across maliciously designed plugins that can compromise our system.

Malware in the system

Of course, malware in the system is basic and it can also be a problem for the browser. It can be the gateway for many other varieties of malicious software, as well as giving full control to hackers.

There are many types of viruses and malware in general that can infect our systems. This is something that affects all types of devices and that we must take into account.

Seguridad de los navegadores

Vulnerabilities in the browser

It may also be due to security flaws present in the browser itself. On many occasions vulnerabilities arise that can be exploited by hackers to attack.

These security flaws are fixed through patches and updates. That makes it essential to always have the latest versions.

Visit malicious pages

Another important source of entry for threats of this type that result in browser hijacking is visiting malicious pages . There are many sites on the Internet and not all of them are safe. We may come across pages that are actually fraud and that are designed to attack. Even a legitimate site may have been the victim of an attack.

How to avoid browser hijacking

Luckily we can take into account a series of important tips to avoid browser hijacking. The objective is to avoid problems and ensure that our browser always works well, without interference from possible intruders.

Common sense

Without a doubt one of the keys is going to be common sense . In most cases the attacks come after the user’s carelessness, having downloaded some malicious software or opening a dangerous link.

It is very important that we take care of our navigation, that we do not make mistakes as we have commented and always keep common sense in mind.

Security tools

It is also vital to have security tools in our system. This is something that we must apply regardless of the type of device or operating system that we are using. It is one of the best ways to prevent threats from entering.

We can even take into account the possibility of having security extensions. Browsers have plugins that help us avoid threats.

Update the systems and the browser itself

Sometimes attacks can come from using an outdated system. It may also be that our browser has a vulnerability that could be exploited. Our advice in this regard is to always have the latest versions and patches available.

Install only from official sources

As we have indicated, there are many extensions that we can install in our browser. Now, the importance of always downloading them from official and legitimate sources must be taken into account. Avoid doing it from third party sites that may be a problem.