Broadlink RM Mini: Make Your Air Conditioner Smart and More

Broadlink RM Mini: Make Your Air Conditioner Smart

This little Broadlink device may turn out to be your best purchase in a long time. Because thanks to its capabilities you will be able to control a multitude of home devices easily and remotely even without being originally smart devices. The only requirement is that they have the option of being controlled through an infrared remote control.

Broadlink RM Mini3

Now that many of us have become accustomed to the use of technologies such as those proposed by voice assistants or to all those advantages of using the mobile phone as a control center for all our connected devices, it is annoying to continue having some products whose only form of control is an outdated IR remote.

Luckily, there have been devices for some time that are nothing other than intelligent infrared controllers that allow controlling a wide variety of devices such as televisions, air conditioners, music equipment or any other whose control method is the use of a remote control. infrared.

Broadlink RM

One of the most interesting models and which we have talked about on occasion is the Broadlink RM Mini3 . An intelligent infrared concentrate that not only offers support for a wide variety of devices from different brands, but also support to be controlled through the mobile phone and most importantly, through Alexa.

Thanks to this last feature, you will not only gain the possibility of controlling the turning on and off of the television or even the air conditioning, its temperature setting, etc., but also the possibility of doing so even when you are away from home. Which, as you can imagine, completely multiplies the possibilities when combining this hub with devices that you acquired before all this interest in connected and intelligent.

Ideas to take advantage of it

There are many ways to take advantage of a device like this from Broadlink, although if you are still not clear about its advantages, here are some ideas.

The first of all is to make your air conditioning smart, but without having to buy a new air or add the odd controller that may not be so easy to install. With the infrared concentrator you will only have to have it in a position that allows it to send the signal and for the air to receive it to be able to interact with it remotely.

The second idea is to be able to turn on the PS5 with Alexa thanks to the support it offers for the Amazon voice assistant . Something that even seeming little can be very interesting. You say “Alexa, turn on the PS5” and while it does, you can finish making that coffee or soda for some leisure time.

The third is to control the home TV using voice commands to change the channel, video source, raise or lower the volume, etc. Although today with both Chromecast, Fire TV, Apple TV, etc., all this is less necessary.

An inexpensive and versatile accessory

The Broadlink RM Mini3 is undoubtedly one of those accessories that are worth considering if you are interested in remotely controlling the maximum number of devices within the home. Of course, here they all have to be “visible” so that the transmitter can send the signal to each product via infrared.

Therefore, you would have to have several if you want, for example, to control the airs that you can have in two different rooms or several televisions, etc. But the important thing is that you know it, that you know that it exists and that you can get a lot out of it if you later combine it with other features that offer solutions such as Alexa and its routines, etc.

The new version is also available, but basically the characteristics are identical and although the difference in price is not much, it may not interest you. Still, take a look at the Broadlink RM Mini4 and rate yourself.